UGA corners wearing masks

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL you mean other than your insulting tone towards everyone who has suggested they would like to beat the mess out this "adult" who calls little girls ugly, including that it would be Budweiser bravado, and not taking up for a child who can't otherwise take up for herself? I'm not exactly sure...let me think on it a bit, would you?
You honestly believe that would be the most appropriate way to handle the situation? If so I think I speak for most when I pray you do not coach or otherwise have influence over impressionable youth.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
Aside the fact this thread has gotten way off topic. I'll stick with my original post in saying I'm strongly suggesting that at least the corners and pitchers wear them. I made it mandatory for my 14 and 16U teams.
As to riseballs comments regarding a man who would defend girls from bullies needing prayer, and that you wouldn't support our behavior... that's fine but you should remember that there are guys like me whenever a line is crossed, and we're ready to knock some sense into you if need be. That is neither unprovoked or unnecessary. Your candy coated perspective is over the top even for us barbarians from budweiserville.
As a coach, I treat my girls as if they were my own daughters, and no, I'm not the type to sneak up from the side and sucker punch this guy. I would confront him firmly face to face. I'd tell him his comments are both unnecessary and unwelcome. Then he'd be given an opportunity to correct it. If it continues I'd show him the exit. If it escalates from there, yes, your probably right, he would be getting an ambulance ride.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Aside the fact this thread has gotten way off topic. I'll stick with my original post in saying I'm strongly suggesting that at least the corners and pitchers wear them. I made it mandatory for my 14 and 16U teams.
As to riseballs comments regarding a man who would defend girls from bullies needing prayer, and that you wouldn't support our behavior... that's fine but you should remember that there are guys like me whenever a line is crossed, and we're ready to knock some sense into you if need be. That is neither unprovoked or unnecessary. Your candy coated perspective is over the top even for us barbarians from budweiserville.
As a coach, I treat my girls as if they were my own daughters, and no, I'm not the type to sneak up from the side and sucker punch this guy. I would confront him firmly face to face. I'd tell him his comments are both unnecessary and unwelcome. Then he'd be given an opportunity to correct it. If it continues I'd show him the exit. If it escalates from there, yes, your probably right, he would be getting an ambulance ride.

Defending girls from bullies is an admirable endeavor and I commend you for it. It is good to see that you seem to have some understanding as to what is and what is not a judicious use of force. Please know that my perspective on the use of force is far from candy coated. Having been extensively schooled and instructed others in the Use Of Force Continuum I would hope my perspective is different than most. I have seen some more than one good and well intentioned individual suffer tremendously through their misguided use of force.
Apr 4, 2015
Safety should always be the first concern at any level. The masks have proven to save girls from some major injuries. Why would you not wear one?
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
Oh, and from my attorney pal in CA, should Coach James decide to stand up for his daughter with his fists:

"It's a battery. Medical bills are a certainty. Father probably wouldn't get nailed for punitive damages, though.

If I were the attorney for the father, I'd counter-sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

A good jury would award the punchee his medical bills, but award even more to the daughter for IIED.

Depends on state law. But, I would have a hard time seeing this charged as a felony."

So there's that, too.
Mar 15, 2013
Back to the OP. DD and I noticed the GA corners wearing facemasks and always take notice when a player on TV is wearing one..we have also seen videos of Kelly Barnhill playing...the #1 2015 pitcher signed with Florida and she was wearing a mask. It gives my DD hope that if she continues to put in the work and improve that some college coaches will be happy to have her...her mask is part of her much has her glove... Its part of her package.. She is throwing upwards of 61mph as an 8th grader (legit clocked by college coaches not by me) with good movement so if she continues to improve and some coach/coaches do not want her because of her mask, its OK. Honestly DD will find her college home and play ball if she wants to...
On a side note..I don't care if your kid does or doesn't wear a mask and never pay attention to loud mouth ignorant a$$es..I've also taught my kids the never resort to violence..But if a coach tells DD she can't wear a mask in the circle..she will move one and hopefully pitch vs his team :)

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