UGA corners wearing masks

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Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
You would go to prison felony assault or worse to prove a point? That would certainly have an impact on your DD. Or is this just rhetorical bluster?

To this point, the original post was that a coach belittles girls and says they must be too ugly to show their face if they wear a mask. Rest assured, if a grown man calls either of my daughters ugly because they are wearing masks, I will gladly do as the poster you quoted would. And unless I took the mask off and hit him with it, it would be simple battery, not felony assault. ;)
I'd gladly take the misdemeanor battery charge without hesitation against the grown man who bullies mine, yours or his daughter. Your a little over zealous with the "felony assult" lol...


Apr 26, 2012
I've said this before... This is the same A$$ who stands behind a huge screen to pitch front toss.

I'd be using this as a recruiting tool against him.... You are awesome, and unlike if you played for A$$, you can wear a mask and anything else she wants playing for me.

Good idea marriard. I think I'll pass that on to some of the other gold coaches too. And maybe the AD at his school too.

To this point, the original post was that a coach belittles girls and says they must be too ugly to show their face if they wear a mask. Rest assured, if a grown man calls either of my daughters ugly because they are wearing masks, I will gladly do as the poster you quoted would. And unless I took the mask off and hit him with it, it would be simple battery, not felony assault. ;)

The man has no business being around anybody's daughters. I bought into his B.S. For a while, thinking his drill Sargent style would help the girls. It did help a few, but the cost was high. He should be run out town IMO.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
I'd gladly take the misdemeanor battery charge without hesitation against the grown man who bullies mine, yours or his daughter. Your a little over zealous with the "felony assult" lol...

As with most lay people you are a bit naive. This would be an unprovoked attack that would most likely result in a trip to the ER via ambulance and possible permanent damage to your victim. This alone would make a very strong case for felony assault. If they happen to be a protected class it could be worse. Add in the comments in this forum which will be used against you and you are pretty much screwed. Even if it was plead down to a misdemeanor you will lose your job, probably your house, and most likely be banned from youth sports. While I appreciate your passion on the subject I would strongly advise against such Budweiser bravado. :)
Jul 6, 2013
Holy good God. Lol. Punching a guy in the face sends him to the hospital via ambulance and results in permanent damage to him. His name is Coach James. Not Coach Kimbo Slice. Jeez. To think I escaped my "younger" days without being hospitalized for a fight. I must be a freak. Maybe I ought to do UFC. That, or you are using hyperbole to try to make a point while defending a guy calling little girls ugly because they wear masks because you don't like masks either.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Holy good God. Lol. Punching a guy in the face sends him to the hospital via ambulance and results in permanent damage to him. His name is Coach James. Not Coach Kimbo Slice. Jeez. To think I escaped my "younger" days without being hospitalized for a fight. I must be a freak. Maybe I ought to do UFC. That, or you are using hyperbole to try to make a point while defending a guy calling little girls ugly because they wear masks because you don't like masks either.
What other than your overactive imagination leads you to believe I would defend or condone any of the behavior described?
Jul 16, 2013
You would go to prison felony assault or worse to prove a point? That would certainly have an impact on your DD. Or is this just rhetorical bluster?

I was in my fair share of fights as a grade school and high school boy, but I am well aware that the environment today is much different than it was 20+ years ago. While I am not sure what would be necessary to qualify for felony assault, I am quite sure that such actions could result in a lawsuit. So, while you may or may not end up in prison, you may serve as someone's "college scholarship".

My DD is currently a freshman in high school and wears a mask whenever she plays 3rd, 1st, or pitches. She does not wear it in the outfield. At 10u and 12u rec, I insisted that all corners and pitchers wore masks. Our local league actually considered making it a league rule but hasn't done so yet. For travel ball, I recommend them for corners and pitchers, but I do not make them mandatory. At some point in time, I assume DD will decide she doesn't want to wear it anymore. If/when that time comes, we will discuss the pros and cons. For now she seems perfectly happy with it on.
Jul 6, 2013
What other than your overactive imagination leads you to believe I would defend or condone any of the behavior described? you mean other than your insulting tone towards everyone who has suggested they would like to beat the mess out this "adult" who calls little girls ugly, including that it would be Budweiser bravado, and not taking up for a child who can't otherwise take up for herself? I'm not exactly sure...let me think on it a bit, would you?

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