Tryouts: Cattle Call vs. Private?

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Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

Here in Atlanta, three big organizations (two of the "Big 3" in the city plus another) just posted an announcement stating they will all three hold tryouts on the same day and have coordinated it such that a girl can attend all three b/c they will be at different times at different parks all close to each other. So, you go to one park from 9-11, another from 12-2, and a third from 3-5.

I'm trying to figure this out. Sounds convenient for parents, but exhausting for girls. And what are the chances they're actually looking to fill spots based on a cattle call? I've never seen a coordinated effort like this before. Anyone else?
Jun 12, 2015
I saw that too. Sounds exhausting to me too. A lot of driving. If they really wanted to work together why not do one coordinated tryout? That would make sense. I don't really see the point of what they're doing.
Mar 1, 2015
What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?

Here in Atlanta, three big organizations (two of the "Big 3" in the city plus another) just posted an announcement stating they will all three hold tryouts on the same day and have coordinated it such that a girl can attend all three b/c they will be at different times at different parks all close to each other. So, you go to one park from 9-11, another from 12-2, and a third from 3-5.

I'm trying to figure this out. Sounds convenient for parents, but exhausting for girls. And what are the chances they're actually looking to fill spots based on a cattle call? I've never seen a coordinated effort like this before. Anyone else?

If it's the "big 3" then most likely the teams will be 90-95% filled by the time the organizational tryout occurs, unless they are adding additional teams in an age group. Usually they are looking for that one stud who moved into town, or someone who lives out of the area but has decided to test the waters, or someone who was playing B/C/Rec ball who decided to branch out and is just naturally talented. But they are also looking to expand their "call up list" for lack of a better term. The tryout may not get you a spot on the team right away to start the year, but puts you on the radar should something happen like injury or players quit, or they need a pick up player. If you are a solid player the coaches will talk to you, make sure they know who you are, how to get in touch, tell you to keep working, and keep you in mind should something open up.

EDIT: Just saw the announcement. One big name local name is missing, but they are also the only ones that charge a fee to tryout. We have always steered clear of them. Also, there are plenty of other names in GA aside from these teams that will have tryouts as well.
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Oct 30, 2014
This makes no sense to me from a coaching standpoint. Sure- don't schedule all try outs at the same time but what is the point of basically introducing players to your competition?
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
If it's the "big 3" then most likely the teams will be 90-95% filled by the time the organizational tryout occurs, unless they are adding additional teams in an age group. Usually they are looking for that one stud who moved into town, or someone who lives out of the area but has decided to test the waters, or someone who was playing B/C/Rec ball who decided to branch out and is just naturally talented. But they are also looking to expand their "call up list" for lack of a better term. The tryout may not get you a spot on the team right away to start the year, but puts you on the radar should something happen like injury or players quit, or they need a pick up player. If you are a solid player the coaches will talk to you, make sure they know who you are, how to get in touch, tell you to keep working, and keep you in mind should something open up.

EDIT: Just saw the announcement. One big name local name is missing, but they are also the only ones that charge a fee to tryout. We have always steered clear of them. Also, there are plenty of other names in GA aside from these teams that will have tryouts as well.

One of them (the one that not's Big 3) is adding teams. I know that for certain.
Aug 19, 2015
Atlanta, GA
Responding to grcsftbll:

I don't really either. If the point is to make it easier on the girls/families, I don't see how six hours of tryouts in a single day serves that purpose. At least they're not deliberately scheduling tryouts at the same time, I suppose, but seems like it serves their interests to make people choose which to try out for on a certain day.
Jun 12, 2015
One of them (the one that not's Big 3) is adding teams. I know that for certain.
They have 4 10U teams already. Seems kind of excessive to me, though 2 will move up to 12U this fall. I didn't realize any of the local organizations charged for tryouts. Not something I'd pay for at our age level. But I can see it being a great fundraiser. They already have a mostly full team, have arranged private workouts with the girls they really want. They get all the hopefuls to pay a fee, knowing they might take 1 or 2 of them, and use all that money to help fund the year. Pretty smart really.
Sep 4, 2015
Interesting...I guess it's better than conflicting tryouts though so it is nice that they're trying to collaborate a bit. I feel like these organizations rarely have real openings unless there are new teams and even then these coaches know enough girls in this tiny softball world to recruit personally without tryouts.
May 15, 2014
I saw the same post and it was rather interesting that they would do this and honestly I wouldn't bother with it. If you are considering it, you need to clarify the age group because for instance I am pretty sure the 12U tryouts are for the 05 teams. The 2nd yr '04 teams will be filled prior to this, a lot of back door deals will be made and girls going to privates. I can tell you that we have been approached by several large orgs and this is without me contacting anyone on these teams so this is why I am saying these back door deals are happening. I would also keep in mind that if you try to take your kid to 2 of these in 1 day, it must mean you hate her or you are trying to kill her. I am 100% certain my kid would never talk to me again if I did that to her.
Oct 30, 2014
They have 4 10U teams already. Seems kind of excessive to me, though 2 will move up to 12U this fall. I didn't realize any of the local organizations charged for tryouts. Not something I'd pay for at our age level. But I can see it being a great fundraiser. They already have a mostly full team, have arranged private workouts with the girls they really want. They get all the hopefuls to pay a fee, knowing they might take 1 or 2 of them, and use all that money to help fund the year. Pretty smart really.

What kind of fee are we talking about? $5-10, sure to help pay for the try out field. $50? That is pretty lame. I wouldn't go.

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