Travel Team Scrimmage vs HS Practice

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Jul 16, 2013
On it's surface, this rule seems like it discourages outside participation, but I look at this as more like the 75% participation rule that rec leagues have. It ensures that the team a school takes into post-season is composed of it's regular season players, and prevents schools from stacking a team with kids who skipped the regular season in favor of travel.

Pretty much... I believe PA has another rule that limits the number of players from one school that can participate on the same "non-school athletic program", but I was unable to find that one. If I remember correctly, no more than 5 can be on the same team. And I also believe it limits what the high school coaches can do away from the school team. But the PA rules are definitely not as strict as some other states I have seen.


Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
Check the state, district or HS rules. I don't know any HS team that allows you to miss HS practice for a club team activity of any kind. I would count it an unexcused absence, bench her for the next game, and warn her she can get suspended. Here they go straight to suspension, .

Our HS Coach had a pre-season Parent meeting and one of the things he explained was the MIAA rule that forbids a HS athlete from missing a practice or game to participate on another teams practice or game. They have a substantial penalty for violating this rule. we had a team that had to forfeit a state championship because one player on that team violated this rule.

Where we live, Soccer is the bane of every Softball coach's existence. club and travel teams play both fall and spring so with us the issue of conflicting schedules is usually with club soccer. this coach had actually changed the Softball team's schedule on a couple of occasions when his favorite player had a schedule conflict, which is BS but thenagain, that's HS Sports!

whatever you decide for a rule, enforcement and/or penalty, just make sure you apply it evenly across the team. Our coach exempts his favored players from the letter of the law, where others are not so lucky.
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