Training the Swing-No Swing Decision

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
First... live pitching at practice. Front toss is technique drivers not timing or decisions. Machine pitch is reaction, but not pitcher timing (especially in 12U where pitchers can and will be all over the place. If you have the pitchers to do it, you should.

Second - as others have said - the attitude has to be swing. It is not do I or don't I - "it is I am going to swing (Yes) until I decide not to yes until it is (no). Yes, yes, swing....

Nice drill for some kids help get their eye in - pit them in the box but without a bat. Have them yell out ball or strike when the ball is about 1/2 way to the plate. Concentrates on one aspect (ball or strike) versus bat technique and timing as well as swing no swing. Advanced they can yell location of a strike (in/out/high/low).

In a game, if the opposing pitcher is throwing a LOT of strikes, have a 'swing no matter what' sign. Takes all decision out of it - you might get some swings at bad pitches, but you will also get a lot of loose, no pressure swings at strikes.

And yes it is OK top swing at crappy pitches sometimes. Hack away :)
Jun 4, 2024
Being a hitter...

Hard to be a good batter if you can't hit a crappy pitch.
(Btw, sometimes what you think is a crappy pitch was thrown to go exactly where it is)

There are many times when what would be considered a crappy pitch turns into a fantastic hit.

Not swinging doesn't teach you how to hit.
For a group of young people who are not accustomed to making decisions for themselves,...
if you give them a choice you've made it harder.
Sometimes the best thing to do is take the decision away.
Keep the bat in their hand and tell them to use it. Give them the swing and hit signal.
(like a hit and run you must swing)
If they still don't want to use the bat
~ replace the player next at bat.
The lesson will be somebody else swinging!
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Apr 20, 2018
When playing friendly game, one of the more famous coaches/org. actually terminates the AB if the player takes strike one. Tells the ump, we'll take the out. Kind of harsh but this coach has sent many players to college.

Remember what they say in the Dominican Republic. Nobody has ever walked off the island.
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
Swinging is not a decision.
Have you ever told a hitter who is consistently late on a pitcher's fastball to start their swing earlier? Seems pointless since swinging is not a decision there's nothing the hitter can do about being late.
If you want to continue along the idea of punishing a player for swinging at a ball
I said consequences, you said punishment. In a game if you swing at a bad pitch you used up one of your three strikes, that's a consequence. In BP if you swing at a bad pitch you just keep swinging.
one of the more famous coaches/org. actually terminates the AB if the player takes strike one.
Uh oh, sounds like punishment to me!
Jun 4, 2024
I said consequences,
🙂 will share my perspective on that

Consequences become the predicament of the at-bat. Swinging, not swinging, foul ball, swing'n miss. A hit. Even a called strike that no one else agrees with.

A coaching decision that may seem like a punishment is a tool to help teach the player out of the consequence they are creating for themselves in their at-bat. Replacing the batter with a pinch hitter is giving another teammate the opportunity. On the other end of what you think may be punishment is reward for someone who is applying coaching.

In a game if you swing at a bad pitch you used up one of your three strikes,
Used up one of?
APPLIED one of the opportunities to put the ball in play.

Hmmm 🤔,
Swinging and making contact can mean we get more than three strikes.
Generally would say repeated foul balls put some pressure on the pitcher...
😏maybe that's why you don't like swinging at questionable pitches that might consider bad LOL
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Jun 18, 2023
The most difficult game for a pitcher to throw
is against batters that don't need strikes to rip the ball!

Well this isn't true. free swingers expand the strike zone and it's a heavy correlation between pitcher success and larger strike zones. It's literally why they call it the strike zone, it's the best place to strike the ball.

The hardest batters are the ones that DON'T swing at balls because suddenly that pitch just off the plate is 1-0 instead of 0-1, and the pitcher has to likely adjust towards the center where's it's much easier to rip the ball.
Jun 4, 2024
The most difficult game for a pitcher to throw
is against batters that don't need strikes to rip the ball!
Well this isn't true.
The comment is about batters that don't need strikes to rip the ball. = *talented hitters.
Since you commented about Pitch selection
* very hard for a pitcher to throw around a batter that can rip pitches, even those that are out of the zone!

The hardest batters are the ones that DON'T swing at
close pitches 🤷‍♀️
suddenly that pitch just off the plate is
Up to the umpire to decide 🤷‍♀️

Of course there are batters who are going to have larger impact area and batters who shrink their zone, and or are indecisive about it. Both still have to make the go decision!
However what I find is Batters who are limited with their swing mechanics/or mental approach to only hitting pitches in a limited Zone area will give pitchers greater range of locations to throw.

I can appreciate your point batter has a good eye and that can make it difficult on a pitcher. Agree.
Yet a batter who has a good eye, can rip the ball, and doesn't care if it's out of the zone is damn well dangerous!
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Nov 26, 2010
Have you ever told a hitter who is consistently late on a pitcher's fastball to start their swing earlier? Seems pointless since swinging is not a decision there's nothing the hitter can do about being late.

I said consequences, you said punishment. In a game if you swing at a bad pitch you used up one of your three strikes, that's a consequence. In BP if you swing at a bad pitch you just keep swinging.

Uh oh, sounds like punishment to me!
Never told a batter to start her swing earlier. That is a big clue to the other team to throw a change up. I used to love it when a coach or parent would start that stuff. Start earlier Suzy. Change up, strike 3. Of course then the coach would yell about swinging at a ball in the dirt.

It’s about the load. Start that on every swing. Start the swing process before you have to make the decision to not swing

Hey I mean if you want to have them run laps for swinging at balls in practice that’s probably a great idea. It will get
Them in shape for soccer.
May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
The most difficult game for a pitcher to throw
is against batters that don't need strikes to rip the ball!
Yes, but I will balance this out by saying that the easiest game to pitch is one where you don't have to throw strikes to get hitters out. Hitters that can hit a ball hard when it's out of the strike zone are exceedingly rare, like hen's teeth rare.
Generally would say repeated foul balls put some pressure on the pitcher...
Not as much as a 3 ball count.

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