Tournament during HS Season??

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Apr 30, 2010
Artic Circle

So far HS is still a big deal up here and TB sees it as a good way for their players to get ready for the summer. We do not live in a "Big City" so in the summer many of the girls in the area form one Travel team and go play. I know that dynamic is different in other parts of the country (Would not have known this it not for this forum) but right now the two do not "Bleed into" each other and I think that is a good thing. Coaches have a hard enough time getting all their games in (Sometimes 5-6 games a week because of the weather) and adding a weekend tournament with their TB team would not be in anyone's best interest.
Feb 15, 2013
MS Softball started 1 March in my area. My DD's team has played exactly ZERO MS games in over 5 weeks. So without playing TB she would be 5 weeks without live game situations. I think i'll pass on that option.

I have to ask about the tired arms. I often here pitching coaches tell pitchers they need to throw 5-7 days a week for at least 30 minutes at full distance/speed. Not sure if this is true or not but building up endurance is key in being able to pitch deep into Sunday.

This is a parent/child issue and one the schools and travel teams should stay out of really.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket
Wow, around here the top HS Pitchers are the same ones we see during the Summer, so there is no "catching up". We are 18's and we don't start until the end of the HS Season, first Tournament is the very end of May.

No one said anything about the level of pitchers on the HS teams around here. Most if not all are top level TB players.
Dec 12, 2012
On the bucket

So far HS is still a big deal up here and TB sees it as a good way for their players to get ready for the summer. We do not live in a "Big City" so in the summer many of the girls in the area form one Travel team and go play. I know that dynamic is different in other parts of the country (Would not have known this it not for this forum) but right now the two do not "Bleed into" each other and I think that is a good thing. Coaches have a hard enough time getting all their games in (Sometimes 5-6 games a week because of the weather) and adding a weekend tournament with their TB team would not be in anyone's best interest.

HS is a big deal around here too. HS is it's own animal and I am simply pointing out that the top level teams around here don't like the idea that they can't have their kids until May. They feel it puts them too far behind when chasing an alphabet national title.
Jul 2, 2013
This is why I love living in a state with fall softball. DD1 quit playing travel ball a year ago but her best friend has been playing in 18U tourneys for a month already. School ends in May. No worrying about conflicts with school ball.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I am not an expert on the subject, but I am pretty sure there are high school tournaments in some parts of the country.

We have HS tournaments all over the area here. However, none of them play on Sunday. Most start Friday and play Friday/Saturday. Our school doesn't allow Sunday practice.

I am constantly amazed at what some of you post about your area HS. My team practiced the days we didn't play and they were not walks in the park. They were intense practices. Then, we played at least 3 games in a week minimum. Most of the time 2 games during the week and a DH on Saturday. Every once in a while, 3 games in a week and a DH on Saturday if we had makeup games. We play a 34 games schedule prior to state tournament play.
Jul 16, 2013
Ideally all parties would find a way to co-exist, but unfortunately I do not see that happening. I had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine who happens to be a varsity basketball coach. He strictly forbids his players from participating in practices for other school teams or travel teams while it is basketball season. His view is that once basketball season starts, the players focus needs to be on basketball. I don't necessarily disagree with this. However, he then started complaining about how few boys show up to his "open gyms" during football season. What?!?! Can't you see the contradiction here coach?
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Would be really great if more coaches both in HS and TB spent as much time learning about the game and becoming better coaches as they do worrying about crap that is of little consequence.
Mar 23, 2010
Not a black and white, since a lot of HS practices are a joke and they only play 2 games a week, but definitely a potential problem.
As always, parents need to track how much the kids are doing and step in when necessary.

Edit: Addressing the thread in general, did not realize it was three pages before I hit Save....
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