TN Threat 18U...classless

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I do not mind you throwing the TB Team under the bus but I do not think it is fair to throw the College under the bus unless you have been to some of their games. I am probably wrong but you are describing a leadership issue, the College coach might not tolerate it.

You are absolutely correct. I talked to some 18U coaches about this particular college an was informed that they are the same way. The coaches I talked with have put several girls in local colleges and know what they are talking about.
Jun 12, 2015
This is another example of teaching your players to CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL.
We will always have poor sports, bad umpires, inclimate weather, or classless parents to deal with in any sport. That is a teachable moment for your players on how not to act. Always be classy, and take the high road when the waters rise.

Yes! A great opportunity to teach them about the high road and being the bigger person. It stinks that some people act like that but you see it in all walks of life, not just softball or other sports. We have to set an example our kids and their teammates can look up to; there's nothing we can do about how other teams behave.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Kinda of along the same lines just not as bad....We played a tournament this weekend and one of our parents says she witnessed the coach from the other team wiping away the batters box lines with his feet while warming up his pitcher. (Catcher wasn't ready yet) she says she asked him twice what he was doing before he stopped. They had lots of slappers on their team, maybe that's why he did it? Idk , but his team dominated the tourney so he really didn't have to do this if it was for some advantage.

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I've seen umpires do it too...I've seen umpires damn near let girls stand on the plate because the batter's boxes had no interior lines...
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
You are absolutely correct. I talked to some 18U coaches about this particular college an was informed that they are the same way. The coaches I talked with have put several girls in local colleges and know what they are talking about.

Thugs will be thugs...maybe the elbow-throwing catcher from Texas will be going there too...
Sep 24, 2013
Played in the TCS Sparkler this year and half the teams we played behaved like th OP noted. Fans were way worse than the players but the players were pretty bad too.

Had a girl in a collision that resulted in nasty injury. Opposing parents were yelling (hope it kills her-get the corpse off the field) Most of the teams acting this way were from CA.
Dec 23, 2009
San Diego
Played in the TCS Sparkler this year and half the teams we played behaved like th OP noted. Fans were way worse than the players but the players were pretty bad too.

Had a girl in a collision that resulted in nasty injury. Opposing parents were yelling (hope it kills her-get the corpse off the field) Most of the teams acting this way were from CA.

No surprise to me - I see it every weekend...entitlement players with entitlement parents with name organizations...

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