TN Threat 18U...classless

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I have never posted anything negative about another team, but feel the need to do so tonight. I witnessed the TN Threat 18U team this past weekend and was totally disgusted with the players, coaches, and parents. I have NEVER seen anything like them and hope to never see it again. Foul mouthed, disrespectful, and senseless mocking of our girls when we made great plays. I can not even fathom how grown adults and parents can encourage this kind of behavior in a game that is supposed to teach discipline and respect. For those o you in the East Tennessee area, this team is out of Knoxville. I looked them up and figured out that atleast 3 of their girls play for Hiwasee College in Madisonville, TN. Based on how that school was represented this weekend, I would never allow my DD to play there if she gets the opportunity to play college ball. Pathetic is and understatement!
May 9, 2014
Umatilla, Florida
Kinda of along the same lines just not as bad....We played a tournament this weekend and one of our parents says she witnessed the coach from the other team wiping away the batters box lines with his feet while warming up his pitcher. (Catcher wasn't ready yet) she says she asked him twice what he was doing before he stopped. They had lots of slappers on their team, maybe that's why he did it? Idk , but his team dominated the tourney so he really didn't have to do this if it was for some advantage.

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May 6, 2014
Low and outside
I have never posted anything negative about another team, but feel the need to do so tonight. I witnessed the TN Threat 18U team this past weekend and was totally disgusted with the players, coaches, and parents. I have NEVER seen anything like them and hope to never see it again. Foul mouthed, disrespectful, and senseless mocking of our girls when we made great plays. I can not even fathom how grown adults and parents can encourage this kind of behavior in a game that is supposed to teach discipline and respect. For those o you in the East Tennessee area, this team is out of Knoxville. I looked them up and figured out that atleast 3 of their girls play for Hiwasee College in Madisonville, TN. Based on how that school was represented this weekend, I would never allow my DD to play there if she gets the opportunity to play college ball. Pathetic is and understatement!

This experience was so traumatic that you felt compelled to register on a new board and make this your first post? Really? Or is there something else going on here?
Oct 19, 2009
When I coached I always put our team goals as becoming a better player, person and team member, I put winning as a result of the three goals. Two kids parents had their daughters quit because according to them I did not put enough emphasizes on winning and both went to a team much as you described above. One of the kids gave birth to 2 children out of wedlock before she was out of high school and the other was arrested last week for DUI, driving with no insurance and driving with revoked license.

I can't say that this was the reason these girls turned out like they did, but IMO it did have a negative influence on the girls.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
This is another example of teaching your players to CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL.
We will always have poor sports, bad umpires, inclimate weather, or classless parents to deal with in any sport. That is a teachable moment for your players on how not to act. Always be classy, and take the high road when the waters rise.
Jun 18, 2013
This is another example of teaching your players to CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL.
We will always have poor sports, bad umpires, inclimate weather, or classless parents to deal with in any sport. That is a teachable moment for your players on how not to act. Always be classy, and take the high road when the waters rise.

In every instance where there has been a disagreement, heated coaches, fans screaming at the end of games, whatever other examples of adults showing poor leadership to their kids at any of my games, whether it be soccer, basketball, or softball, I always grab my team and tell them that they are not to focus on the outside issues. They can't control that and they can't allow that to influence their behavior. We do not act like that and we will not allow those things to change the people we are. I don't care about individual games and would rather lose than allow myself to compromise who I am in order to achieve a momentary goal. I expect the same from my players.

I have a conversation every season with my teams that there will come a day when they no longer play whatever sport it is that we are playing. It might be after rec is over, it might be high school, it might be college, but it will come. The lessons in confidence, courage, class, and composure will never leave them.
This experience was so traumatic that you felt compelled to register on a new board and make this your first post? Really? Or is there something else going on here? I'm

I registered over a year ago. I never reply or start threads because my softball experience has been fairly limited (been going for almost 3 years now) and I do more reading than giving my opinion. I figure I've been around long enough to have developed a legitimate opinion about something. It obviously aggregated you to read my post but I don't apologize. My post was to give a "heads up" to anyone who might play this team or perhaps be recruited by the college mentioned. I would sure want someone to tell me in advance about both. Maybe you should just ignore anything I have to say in the future since my post was so traumatic to you that you had to reply to it.
As for the rest of you, thanks for the replies. You are all correct and that is exactly how our head coach handled the situation. He demands class in winning and losing. I'm glad I play for someone like him. He has taught me a lot in just a few years.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I do not mind you throwing the TB Team under the bus but I do not think it is fair to throw the College under the bus unless you have been to some of their games. I am probably wrong but you are describing a leadership issue, the College coach might not tolerate it.

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