The Way You’re Training Your Players Could Be Hurting Their Performance – And Health

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Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
We’ve all been there. We have a player who turns out to be great, or we watch what great players do, and we study them intensely to figure out what they’re doing so we can replicate it with all our other players. But then when we try to apply what we’ve learned we find it […]


Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
I like what you're saying, Ken, but this is a lot of money for someone who works with less affluent players and parents.
I guess it depends on whether your lessons are your main job or extra income. If it's your main living I can see where it would be tough. If it's extra income for "extras" It might be worth diverting some of that into MP training. It will make a huge difference for your players. Even with being new to it I've achieved some pretty great, quick results simply by making adjustments dictated by those players' profiles. It's amazing to see - especially the smiles when a girl realizes it just feels right.
Apr 20, 2018
I guess it depends on whether your lessons are your main job or extra income. If it's your main living I can see where it would be tough. If it's extra income for "extras" It might be worth diverting some of that into MP training. It will make a huge difference for your players. Even with being new to it I've achieved some pretty great, quick results simply by making adjustments dictated by those players' profiles. It's amazing to see - especially the smiles when a girl realizes it just feels right.
Can you give an example of an adjustment dictated by the player's profile. I am more interested in hitting adjustments.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Can you give an example of an adjustment dictated by the player's profile. I am more interested in hitting adjustments.
Here's a simple one. A coach might tell a hitter that she should squat down more to get into her legs. If she is a terrestrial that might work. If she is an aerial, however, that would put her out of profile. Aerials like to be up and extended.

There is also the issue of what is called "motor eye" - the eye the body prefers to sense danger in the form of motion. If something was coming up behind you that your brain thought might be threatening you would turn in that direction so your "motor eye" would see it first. For a hitter, if her "motor eye" is the back eye she might need to open her stance a little more so the "motor eye" can see the ball better. Even if the dominant eye is the front eye.

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