The 'Right' Thing to Do?

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May 15, 2008
Cape Cod Mass.
I need some opinions on the ethics of this situation. We were in a pool play game, score 0-0, home team at bat with the time limit approaching. Our opponents have a runner on 1st with 2 out. Our scorekeeper comes over and says that he thinks the other team might be batting out of order. While us coaches are gathered together looking at the book the batter unexpectedly lays down a bunt toward the 1st base side of the pitchers mound. What follows is a play I haven't seen since Little League. Our 1st baseman doesn't charge, which is actually OK because our 2nd baseman forgets to rotate to 1st, however this leaves our lefty pitcher to field the bunt which she actually does fairly well. But the throw is too late. The runner rounding 2nd, who is rather big and slow, seeing that the base is not covered, continues lumbering toward 3rd. Our 1st baseman, not exactly a track star herself, charges toward 3rd with the ball up in the throwing position, with the left fielder and 3rd baseman converging on the base she launches a wild throw that goes to the fence. The runner rounds 3rd and heads home. The left fielder gets to the ball and heaves another wild throw home. With the pitcher, catcher and 1st baseman chasing the wild throw home is uncovered and the bunter comes home standing up! The coaches are stunned by the whole thing, but this is our 1st tournament and we have only had one practice since we got our team back together. The bunter was actually batting out of order, time expired during the discussion and the game ended in a tie.

My question is this: what would have been the right thing to do if we knew the other team was indeed batting out of order? Stop the game and correct the situation or let it play out knowing that we had a sure out and the inning was effectively over?
Jun 22, 2008
Call time. Share your line card with PU. PU should check facts, then declare batter out.

The batter is only out if they complete the at bat. If discovered while the incorrect batter is still at bat, the correct batter just assumes the count and comes to bat. Not sure why you would think it is wrong to use the rules to your advantage. The offensive team broke a rule by batting out of order and there is no way of knowing if the same situation would have played out with the correct batter.
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
I could go either way,

If the other coach/ team annoyed me I would take the out.

If they seemed nice enough, I would allow them switch batters.

Funny part is you would have came out a nice guy but by the time time they figured it all out time would have expired, win win. :)
Jan 14, 2015
You can't be a hypocrite and make your decision on this based on who should be up. In other words, if their best hitter was supposed to be up to bat would you consider not letting them know? Or would you say, stop, you have the wrong batter up, your best hitter should be up now. If you base your decision on the situation or the team you are playing then that becomes situational ethics.

My position is I'm not their manager or coach, so I shouldn't be stopping the game to make them aware of a potential wrong doing. And the key here is, potential. Because like Comp said, they really haven't done anything wrong yet, not until the batter completes her at bat. It's at that point when an infraction has taken place. Before she completes her at bat she's just a batter taking pitches, no rules have been broken yet.
Feb 3, 2011
During the Spring rec season, I'd either request time and politely let the other manager know or I'd ask our scorekeeper to discreetly inform the other team's scorekeeper of the error.

During comp play, from my limited perspective, the only reason not to take the out would be if you're about to run-rule a clearly outclassed team. In the situation the OP described, I'm disregarding the play that just happened and taking the out. Others would handle it differently, and that's ok.


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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Momo and Comp are right...

If a tournament...if they bat out of the order, then the kid is out.

Rec ball...who cares?

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