The HS year winds down. (yes this is another brag thread)

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Nov 26, 2010
My DD is a junior, and this year she had the chance to secure the #1 pitching spot on the HS. She had a good year, her record was 17-6. She started out the year tentative in the circle and at the plate, but finished strong. The last game of the year was the district final, we lost 3-2, we faced the team everyone in the area had predicted would be a powerhouse, with the best pitcher... we lost but it was a much better game then most outside our team expected. My dd had a great tourney including the walk off hit to win the semi final game. She was interviewed by the local paper and she answered all the questions with comments about her team and what a good group of girls they are instead of about herself. As a team they won the conference, in our conference we play all teams who are a division higher then us, we have less then 600 kids in our school but the teams we play in league are all 1100 and more.

OK so the softball stuff is important here because this is a softball board, her pitching record and 500plus on base percentage and 1000plus OPS is stuff to brag about. But what I am most proud of is all the other things that have happened in the past 2 weeks. She maintained her #1 in the class status, she received her academic letter, her 3 sport athlete award, was the HS student athlete of the week, and was named section leader for the marching band.

I have posted before about my DDs health issues, she does all this while managing her own diabetes care and celiac dietary issues. I will agree that focusing on one sport would likely have made her better at that one sport. But I am here to say a kid can have a full schedule and have success at what she likes, if she applies herself and focuses on the things she is doing as she is doing them.

Next week we will hear about the softball awards, maybe I will have more to say then.

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