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Mar 21, 2013
I'll take April 25th since the other most likely dates are already gone. Be surprised if she gets it against Texas though. The last think Texas wants is to be part of a Oklahoma record trivia question. I don't think they will give her much to hit. Heck without the nagging knee issues last year this would be a moot point by now.
Jan 17, 2013
JJ, I have always appreciated your post until you bashed my Longhorns. :) Now when you have 7 players all batting over .400, most teams will look weak. Unfortunately TX's defense hurt Erica in several innings where she should have been out of the inning much quicker than they ended. OU might as well be called Team QAB.
Jan 17, 2013
JJ, thank you that sounds much better. As a Longhorn fan I am a little sensitive when people bash my weak azz Texas team. :) chamberlain tried to get that next dinger at her first at bat on the change up, on her front foot, and at ankle high and still almost put it over the fence. 7 batters hitting over 400, and two chasing the homerun record, that's a pitcher nightmare team to pitch too.
Mar 26, 2013
Holding OU to 3-4 runs in the last 2 games is commendable. The only team to do better was LSU (0 and 2).

I was surprised to see OU's team this year is outperforming the 2013 on offense. I hope they can keep it up in the postseason.
Mar 26, 2013
dang....Chamberlain got everything but a home run today.
A little premature, she got 1 in Friday's nightcap. None on Saturday, so she leaves Austin still needing 2 to break the record.

Pitchers are understandably being very careful to not throw anything over the plate and it appears Lauren has expanded her normal disciplined zone in pursuit of the record. I hope she breaks the record before the postseason begins.

Pendley hit 1 on Saturday to reach 81.
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A real searcher
May 27, 2012
So here's that latest from OU....

New NCAA Stats are out and the #Sooners lead the nation in:

Batting Average: .380
HR/Game: 2.07
OBP: .489
Scoring: 9.22/Game
Slugging: .705

Spent some time with OU's hitting coach last winter. Guess what type of swing mechanics He teaches? I'll give you a hint.
Stay on top of it, Attack from above, Swing down, Hit the inside seam....
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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
So here's that latest from OU....

New NCAA Stats are out and the #Sooners lead the nation in:

Batting Average: .380
HR/Game: 2.07
OBP: .489
Scoring: 9.22/Game
Slugging: .705

Spent some time with OU's hitting coach last winter. Guess what type of swing mechanics He teaches? I'll give you a hint.
Stay on top of it, Attack from above, Swing down, Hit the inside seam....
Scoring: 9.22/Game
Slugging: .705

That explains the funky warm up swing Chamberlain and some others use (straight chop down swing)....good thing she changes it when she steps in the box :) nice smile and nod work Lauren....

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