Team players vs. competitive players

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Oct 1, 2014
These catchers' dads just don't understand what wonderful princesses our pitcher DDs are...

I do....I have one of each (identical twins), catcher & pitcher. Both are extremely competitive yet understand the nature of team sports and the importance of supporting that group effort. That doesn't mean they don't get frustrated at others but it's usually for a lack of effort during a practice/warm ups, etc...
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
A tangent to this discussion would be the extent to which team players are valuable in softball relative to other sports.

There are lot of successful athletes that wouldn't do well as well in team sports, IMO. Jimmy Connors comes to mind. One of the greatest competitors in sports history, but not very team-oriented.

But, I don't think it's as necessary to be a team player in softball versus, say, basketball. A self-centered softball player, if she's just damn good, or if she can just flat hit or pitch, is still very valuable. But some sports require more sacrifice. A great scorer is valuable in basketball, but less valuable if you've already got 5 really good scorers and not enough rebounders. More sacrifice involved in basketball unless the pieces just happen to fit perfectly. A .450 hitter doesn't have to do much sacrificing. Just get up there and hit.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
I do....I have one of each (identical twins), catcher & pitcher. Both are extremely competitive yet understand the nature of team sports and the importance of supporting that group effort. That doesn't mean they don't get frustrated at others but it's usually for a lack of effort during a practice/warm ups, etc...

How common is it for twins to wind up as a P/C combo?
DD #1 was on a team once where the starting P and C were twins. At least they work well together.
May 4, 2014
So Cal
Hmm I do find it interesting that a lot of the responses hint that the competitive players are the "starters", "key positions", "good players" while team players are the "backups", #2s etc... Think that goes back to the problem I have with the groupings - its not black and white and labels get tainted with individual bias....

For some to hear the words: She is a really competitive player it means - she is a frigin brat who will not give a rats behind about anybody or anyone but themselves... good luck managing that beast but she is good
For some to hear the words: She is a great team player it means - she sucks but shes real sweet and will be a joy to coach

The more I think about it the more I would argue competitiveness and being a good teammate are NOT mutually exclusive and are two independent traits that every athlete should strive for - Im thinking its not even a range like short to tall but more like a height vs weight thing
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Hmm I do find it interesting that a lot of the responses hint that the competitive players are the "starters", "key positions", "good players" while team players are the "backups", #2s etc... Think that goes back to the problem I have with the groupings - its not black and white and labels get tainted with individual bias....

Great point, and that was not part of my original definitions. Competitive players and team players (as I defined them) might be very good, or they may not be good at all.

Michael Jordan was just as competitive whether he played basketball or baseball, but his role and talents were very different in each.

Likewise, the 'team player' that I was attempting to define might be extremely driven and successful. But the motivation is just different. It's not purely about winning and comparing one self to another ('I want to be the best,'), but more for the enjoyment they get out of being part of a team, working together, team goal, being altruistic, being process-oriented more than result-oriented, etc.
Oct 22, 2009
There is such a thing as a competitive team player.

From observation of those players--Competitive vs Team, that have moved on to coach. I've found the Team players much, much better coaches.
Oct 1, 2014
How common is it for twins to wind up as a P/C combo?
DD #1 was on a team once where the starting P and C were twins. At least they work well together.

Very good question Bob, I'd like to know that also. On our current team there is another set of twins besides mine that are P/C combo also. And for sure it helps with their reps at home when I don't have to sit in the bucket all the time, not to mention that for most kids it's just more fun when you have some else to workout or practice with.


Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I was an assistant coach on a HS baseball team where the #1 pitcher and #1 catcher were twins. The #1 catcher was also the #2 pitcher. They rotated that way growing up. The #1 pitcher was not allowed to catch in HS but the HC but he could have.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Very good question Bob, I'd like to know that also. On our current team there is another set of twins besides mine that are P/C combo also. And for sure it helps with their reps at home when I don't have to sit in the bucket all the time, not to mention that for most kids it's just more fun when you have some else to workout or practice with.

There have been pitcher/catcher twin combos on each of my daughter's past two travel teams.

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