team disbands after season....refund for parents??

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Aug 13, 2013
Here is the scenario:
At the end of the season (beginning of August) a team disbands. In the organizations account there is still; lets say 3,000 dollars left over from the year (which ran from Sept 1st to the beginning of August).
All the teams bills have been paid and there is nothing else to pay for. Do the parents get the 3,000 dollars back to split amongst themselves (all players paid in full) or does the organization keep the money?
Thanks for your opinions!


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Here is the scenario:
At the end of the season (beginning of August) a team disbands. In the organizations account there is still; lets say 3,000 dollars left over from the year (which ran from Sept 1st to the beginning of August).
All the teams bills have been paid and there is nothing else to pay for. Do the parents get the 3,000 dollars back to split amongst themselves (all players paid in full) or does the organization keep the money?
Thanks for your opinions!

It depends. This is assuming that money paid in was all defined as 'player fees' which were spelled out in budgets and doesn't include fees for being part of a larger organization.

If there is a 'team account' and written defined budget and there is clearly money left over then there is a refund coming. Straightforward and easy for the person controlling the account to make it happen.

If the money is in an organization account with lots of other teams and/or there isn't clear team accounting, while there probably should be some money coming back you wont see a dime.

It honestly comes down to clear budget, clear written records of what incoming money covered and separate account the money is sitting in. Without all three, even if you should get money back, it is extremely likely that you wont.
Jan 24, 2009
What was the agreement BEFORE the team was over funded?

Is that agreement in writing? I'm sure it's not since you are asking. This could therefore get messy for all involved.

I have a suspicion that 'fundraising' was involved here and this is the reason for all of the extra 'free' money that seems to be up for grabs in the absence of written terms.

Reason #47 why I HATE fundraising.
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Sep 29, 2014
If you are part of a larger organization that will continue playing on without your particular team I would think the odds are pretty slim and probably should not expect anything either especially if it is possible for any of the girls to stay in the organization.

If your team is a stand alone team without an organization I would get the 12 parents or so to have a sit down with whoever holds the money and not leave without it...there is NO excuse if this is the only team team and it is disbanding exactly what could possibly happen to that money besides it going into one persons pocket that is called theft, assuming their is no fine print in the contract you signed, given the proper fine print that would be called legalized theft.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Reason #47 why I HATE fundraising.

Couple of years ago, there was a couple who raised $3,500 in corporate sponsorships for our team. This was mid-season. Three months later, the team unexpectedly fell apart, as did the organization of 3 teams. This parent tried to track down the money. He finally discovered that what was left of it was donated to a local high school softball program - the one where the organization leader's DD was a former player and recent grad.
May 7, 2008
All of this needs to be laid out, prior to joining the team. Plus, where does the equipment go? I don't know how many teams collapse within 1-3 years, but it is over 50%, here.
Aug 21, 2011
38°41'44"N 121°9'47.5"W
As was explained to our club by an attorney. Did you get what was promised to you for your team fees? If so, no refunds. If money was fundraised to get that extra amount of cash, you can run into serious legal issues if you refund the money to parents. Why? Because it's not their money.

If this is a 501(c)(3) team, the bylaws should spell out what is to happen to the money. Most of the time, it's donated elsewhere. If you're part of an organization, that money will most likely go to the organization.

Since you know the team is folding, have the coach start spending it on the girls to get that number close to a zero balance. Sounds like some new sweats, jackets and shirts are in order. Or maybe a huge team party.
Aug 13, 2013
Team was part of an organization but the money was for this team only. If it wasn't all used how can there be no refund. You cant just take the money to use for other teams. The parents don't pay
for other teams juts the one their daughters are on.
Feb 15, 2013
No refund. The money was collected, the year was played and the team folded. The team doesn't ask for their bags back or uniforms back because you paid for them. The parents should have asked for "MORE" during the season to ensure their money was being used correctly.