Stories from tryouts

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Nov 29, 2009
DD told me during HS tryouts one year a girl shows up in jeans and deck shoes. Cold weather state so tryouts are in the field house. The coach has them running to warm up. Then has them do a few sprints once they are loose. After the 2nd sprint the girl with the deck shoes did not stop running and hit the door for the field house never to be heard from again. DD was standing next to the coach when it happened. The HC turned and asked if anyone got the girl's number before she hit the door?
Oct 10, 2014
Peach State
Yesterday at DD's HS tryouts, it was time for her group to do timed running trials. The AC asked if any of the girls considered themselves fast. DD said there was no way she was going to say she is fast. She anticipated being the fastest in her group, but unsure of the abilities of the newbies, refused to say anything. An incoming freshman raises her hand and claimed to be the fastest in the group. The incoming freshman was the slowest in the group (2nd slowest of all trying out) at home to 1B. She was 2nd slowest overall in home to home times. This young lady will likely make varsity as a freshman, but it won't be based on her speed.
Jun 20, 2012
This young lady will likely make varsity as a freshman, but it won't be based on her speed.

You're describing my older DD perfectly. Seeing her get out of the batter's box is like watching a train leaving the station: all the parts are moving, but there's little forward momentum.

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