Softball Skirt?

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
I grew up in a Southern Baptist church, and never heard that. Maybe some other baptist denomination? Pretty sure it isn't the Southern Baptists, although it's a pretty large denomination and might have some churches and followers with different beliefs than the whole.

Andy, Southern Baptist as well. No, this is not a Southern Baptist thing. I could see Pentecostal. We have many Pentecostal young ladies in our school and many, but not all, wear different PE clothing.


Jun 11, 2015
I've seen it in CA. Darn good ball player. 4' braided ponytail and a dress/skirt uni. Hitting with power, very good base running with speed, very good defense. The kind of player you want on your daughters team.
Jan 23, 2014
Andy, Southern Baptist as well. No, this is not a Southern Baptist thing. I could see Pentecostal. We have many Pentecostal young ladies in our school and many, but not all, wear different PE clothing.
I don't think it's a mainstream southern Baptist thing but like mentioned extreme outliers. I believe the Duggars attend a southern Baptist church when they aren't doing their own home church or whatever. They of course don't allow the girls to wear pants. That has more with them following Gothards teachings than being Southern Baptist, but there could definitely be small congregations who interpret the need for girls to wear skirts at all times, I suppose.
Apr 3, 2013
Usually see it with Pentacostal or other full gospel type of churches. Very few Southern Baptist but there would be a very conservative family or even church that is So Baptist that practices this. You do see it still in fundamental or conservative independent Baptist churches and splintered non denominational churches where a good number of the members came from a Pentacostal or fundamental Baptist background. 20 years ago here it was fairly common to see more than one at tournaments. You still see it at Rec or AllStar games but not as much in tournament ball. But not because of the dress but because of so many going to Sunday play. Do know of a girl who played NAIA college ball in one. She was a beast to.

Locally in the last 2 years we have seen the directors have more Saturday only or Friday night pool and Saturday brackets with no Sunday play to appeal to more families who have real issue missing Sunday worship a lot. Most understand it will happen if you play tournament ball, especially big state, regional and national tournaments. We always made a point to have a devotional either with our team early Sunday morning or many times with all the teams still left before play that day. But It was really nice to just have one big day of softball. We did several of these and the girls and parents loved it. It also helped that most of the best teams made an effort support these tournaments with good numbers. It's a really long day but it made our team stronger for a good run in a couple a bigger tournaments because if you are winning you play 6-8 games in one day. You also have to really manage you pitchers and catchers, especially with the heat. Sorry for the high jack. Ha

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Oct 19, 2009
We played a team a few times from the Chattanooga area where one of the players always wore a knee length skirt. Never knew the details and never considered it my business.

We had a girl who played for us who was required to wear shorts below the knee because of her religion, her mom made her special shorts for to play and practice in.

Dated a girl in HS who her family was a Church of God member, she could only wear certain skirts and dress due to her religious belief, no pants or shorts, this was 1969-1972.

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