Softball Community in Austin area

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Jun 18, 2013
DW and I are considering a job change and I have a few opportunities that are in the very early stages right now. One of them is with a VERY large company that would be a major boost to my resume but would require me to move my family from the north Alabama area where we currently live to the Austin area. Obviously, the softball community would not be a determining factor but it could help soften the blow quite a bit for my DD if I could at least tell her that she would be getting to move somewhere that was a slice of softball nirvana. Does anyone know much about that part of the world and what the softball community is like there?
Dec 2, 2013
Are you looking for a TB team or Rec League? My daughter attended an On Deck Tryout in Austin over the weekend and had an opportunity to talk with a handful of dads from various organizations. Texas Blaze, Impact Gold, Texas Bombers, Austin Storm and Austin Stars are a few of the well known organizations in the area. Which area of Austin?
Jun 18, 2013
I don't know specifics about what areas we would be in, but I can tell you the job is a software engineering job. I can't say too much about it because it is still early in the process and I'm just not allowed to talk about it much.

That said, I would be looking for a TB organization most likely. Mainly, I am just curious to find out if the atmosphere is good and growing. Is there a lot of community support and plenty of facilities for us to be able to practice and are we going to be able to find decent indoor facilities to work during the brutal hot days and through the winter? That kind of stuff. We are probably still a couple of months out from anything happening, but I am looking for ammunition to keep from getting murdered by an angry 11 year old. :)
Aug 26, 2011
Houston, Texas
Blaze, Fusion, Bombers, Impact Gold...that's to name a few. Might be a Firecrackers even...

I don't know how you can get in contact though...might call up specialized sports stores and ask...they are bound to have contacts or at least give you a direction. :)

Looks like they have a few facilities:
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Sep 29, 2014
Austin area is very good for softball I just moved a couple years ago from San Antonio and it's a year round party.....and it also a great area to live, you probably will live in a suburb somewhere so you won't have to actually deal with the crazies in town much...good luck and if you get the job enjoy Texas

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