Sliding into 1st base.....

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Feb 20, 2012
Watching the Oklahoma vs. Baylor game and one of the Baylor batters just slid into 1st base after dropping down a drag bunt (1st out in the top of the 3rd). How is it that we knew that running through the bag is faster than sliding in 12U TB, yet players on the #14 D1 team in the country think it is a good idea? Sliding is only effective if you have to stop on the bag. How many major league baseball players do you see sliding into 1B?
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Dec 20, 2012
I'm not so sure it's so much about getting there faster as it is a distraction for the player that is covering first. A rushed throw could be low or even one hop. You have a girl sliding, stirring up dirt and trying to get in the defensive player's peripheral vision, it could possibly cause an error.


Jun 22, 2008
Pete Rose would tell us all to shut up on this one!
Then he'd place a bet that it is in fact faster :rolleyes:

Charlie Hustle was a showman. Some might say hot dog.

There are clips of comparisons done concerning sliding and running through 1B that show leaving your feet and going airborne is no and possibly even slower. There is nothing with sliding head first, but it probably only helps the runner get low and away from a swipe tag.
May 6, 2014
Low and outside
First thing DD says to me last night: "At softball practice I dove into home." Turns out she was wearing shorts and didn't want to slide. On the outside, I'm cautioning her about breaking her collarbone or cutting her hand on the catcher's shinguards. On the inside, I'm going, "Oh, HELL yeah!"