Shocking statement

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Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
You will all be shocked, but I actually heard a softball player say this about a coach she had once played for as a pick up player:

"His daughter isn't as good as he thinks she is".

In all fairness, the girl did say she would play as a pickup for that coach in the future if he asked.


Feb 20, 2012
I personally think 98.2% of softball parents wear "rose colored glasses" when it comes to their DD and her abilities.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
You will all be shocked, but I actually heard a softball player say this about a coach she had once played for as a pick up player:

"His daughter isn't as good as he thinks she is".

In all fairness, the girl did say she would play as a pickup for that coach in the future if he asked.

From the title I thought you were going to say, "Most everything OILF posts." And here I come to find out you're serious:rolleyes:
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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
I would comment but probably offend someone...dang it, I think I already have.

Oh I really, really ,really want to say something.............but in the interests of not wanting to be seen as an opinionated, gender hating, know very little about the subjects I provide opinions about under the guise of being a knowledgeable person in a position of power, I won't:(

ETA: Geez...I hope I didn't offend anybody about what I don't want to be seen as. Of course, it may already be too late;)
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Nov 26, 2010
Do we really need to make every thread a bash OILF post. I for one am getting a bit tired of the I must be right POV that some take in regards to her posts. Does she say things I don't agree with? yes. Does she say things I agree with? occasionally yes. But just because I think she is wrong (or right) doesn't mean I have to engage her. But its coming to the point where its happening even where she hasn't posted.

In all honesty I have called her out a time or two, but for crying out loud some of you folks are making it a hobby, or obsession. Give it a rest.