Running out of gas or running out of focus?

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Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Looking for some opinions or ideas. 10u B age range from 8-11. All are at least 2nd year, most are 3rd.

The last two tourneys we have been in position to win out but will have a game that looks like a different team is on the field. Can't hit, can't throw and makes some seriously dumb errors. I get one or two or maybe three at this age but it will be like 7 or 8. They will be throwing or just not knowing where to go with the ball. Last week it was after 3 straight games. This week is was after 5 straight games. The first four were solid. Good hitting and fielding and great decision making. Then bam, loss of focus and multiple errors. I get they are 10u but when they play and practice so well and then have a game that they just let go of is frustrating. Not only for me and the other coaches, but for them as well.

Anyone have any suggestions on what to work on to help teach them to work through this? I kinda feel like they have done so well in the other games that they believe their "press clippings" and let up. But it could also be they just run out of gas mentally.

Just seeing if any one you wonderful DFP folks have had this and have any suggestions .

Thanks in Advance
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Nov 29, 2009
So you're saying they ran out of gas after playing 3 consecutive games back to back and 5 consecutive games back to back at 10 years old?

If that's the case there are not many adults who can concentrate after that many games.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Sorry if my post was confusing. Not 5 back to back but 5 in 10 hours. 3 were over 6 hours.

I am having a hard time with the parents and having them follow my suggestions on nutrition. I always get," they are kids. They need to have fun at the torney." I'm like winning is more fun than losing lol.

It was the first HoT day of the year so I understand them being tired. But they all lost it in the same game. Guess you had to be there. All 3 coaches were kind of shocked at how it went down.

Just looking for suggestions for those that have been there.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Between games, the *ENTIRE* team should sit in the shade. No running, no jumping, no high energy activity. No "I'm going to take Suzy and Cindy to the mall."

They sit in the shade, drink water, color and play cards. Nothing else.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Actually, our girls had a camper to sit in at any time they wanted between games. They didn't "stay" in the camper but they would spend 20-30 min in it after a couple of the games. I wouldn't say it was very long for most of them. The dd of the camper owner probably stayed in the most.

I'm don't want to say they played terrible. Just a noticeable difference in team play that game. Lack of energy and focus. But it was the 5th game and they won 4 of 5 yesterday, 2 of three today.

Maybe I'm being too picky or expecting too much. It's out 3rd tourney together and we have had two third places. Both had a similar game of mostly mental errors.

Just wondering if other coaches had this issue before and how they resolved it. Or is is an issue at 10u?

Thanks for the conversation on it.
Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Maybe it's just me, but asking a 10-year-old to play 8 games in 2 days sounds insane.

We really don't have a lot of options. We were in the winners bracket all day Saturday until we lost the last game. But it was the last game of the day anyway. I thought it was odd to run the schedule that way but that's how it goes when you're battling the weather. We've done it in 8u as well. Not the ideal set up.


Feb 20, 2012
I would watch what they eat. We have had problems with lackadaisical play in the first game after lunch for is hard to be sharp right after a 12" sub and two corn dogs!

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