Poor sportsmanship

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Mar 26, 2013
OK, I think I figured out OLIF's comment about a post that was removed.

Several people quoted a post of hers in which she mentioned emailing the AD for Needville. I remember seeing that post. Apparently OLIF removed that post. So, I guess that was the post that was removed, and the bad-@$$ 2-year-old in post 285 was the threat of violence.

Unless someone else has a better explanation, that appears to be what is going on. It appears OLIF took post 285 more seriously than most of us thought she should.
I think you're right - I was thrown by her saying "the post had to be removed"...

BTW, it's OILF - don't confuse her with Olaf!
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
OK. This thread is only on about page 34. Can we add something about the hitting techniques in the game, whether the players should'be been wearing masks, and did the runs score off of hitting riseballs that rose or didn't rise?
Feb 7, 2013
I just wanted to say that as a general rule, the DFP members have been very civil and have tried to be objective (do I dare say fair and balanced) about this incident. If you have visited some of the other social media sites, the comments have been ruthless and outright shocking. Just wanted to commend you all for not rushing to judgment and for having an open mind.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
I just wanted to say that as a general rule, the DFP members have been very civil and have tried to be objective (do I dare say fair and balanced) about this incident. If you have visited some of the other social media sites, the comments have been ruthless and outright shocking. Just wanted to commend you all for not rushing to judgment and for having an open mind.

Yes, I have seen some of those comments. Some were nasty, some really inappropriate to say about a HS kid.

Now this has really spread, even to UK, NZ and OZ. People all over the world being exposed to fast pitch.
Oct 3, 2009
I just wanted to say that as a general rule, the DFP members have been very civil and have tried to be objective (do I dare say fair and balanced) about this incident. If you have visited some of the other social media sites, the comments have been ruthless and outright shocking. Just wanted to commend you all for not rushing to judgment and for having an open mind.

I have been one to mention the social media lynch mob and it strikes me that I was not being clear that I did not think it involved this site at all but what I was seeing other places. I know everything could have been handled MUCH better by those around the catcher involved but it is a little creepy how we are so willing to crucify complete strangers based on a single incident. Again I think the catcher was in the wrong and could have just as easily moved forward instead of raising her elbows. And appropriate discipline is required, but I honestly hope none of us have our family caught on the wrong side of this kind of thing And again to be clear I am talking about other social media sites and channels not DFP.
Last edited:
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Thanks for the clarification AndyS.

People make mistakes. It has gotten to where one bad tweet or one bad action caught on camera can completely destroy a person's life. Like the woman who posted a tasteless tweet on the way to South Africa and by the time the plane landed her career was over.

There was once a time when someone with a bad rep could move elsewhere and start over.

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