Poor sportsmanship

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Jun 24, 2010
I don't think it's post 285 since she said the post was removed. She also says many people agreed with it - really? Perhaps a mod can shed some light on it.

If it's not the above mentioned, I apologize. Regardless of my difference of opinions with anyone, they shouldn't be threatened.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
This is a bit confusing. I have been following this thread fairly closely today. I doubt there would be enough time for someone to be threatened, then have the post up long enough for people to agree (whether by quoting it or else by thanks), then have all traces removed before all the people following this thread noticed.
Mar 28, 2013
Cant say I condone the elbow, If it was my DD Getting blown up Im pretty sure we would also be talking about the brawl following but I have to admit I kind of like how the world got to see how Hard nosed and tuff the sport of girls Fastpitch can really be. Could you imagine what would happen if some catcher tried that move on Kelly Kretchman. EPIC
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
OK, I think I figured out OLIF's comment about a post that was removed.

Several people quoted a post of hers in which she mentioned emailing the AD for Needville. I remember seeing that post. Apparently OLIF removed that post. So, I guess that was the post that was removed, and the bad-@$$ 2-year-old in post 285 was the threat of violence.

Unless someone else has a better explanation, that appears to be what is going on. It appears OLIF took post 285 more seriously than most of us thought she should.
Feb 7, 2013
OK, I think I figured out OLIF's comment about a post that was removed.

Several people quoted a post of hers in which she mentioned emailing the AD for Needville. I remember seeing that post. Apparently OLIF removed that post. So, I guess that was the post that was removed, and the bad-@$$ 2-year-old in post 285 was the threat of violence.

Unless someone else has a better explanation, that appears to be what is going on. It appears OLIF took post 285 more seriously than most of us thought she should.

I wouldn't be too concerned about Screwball/OILF. She will be back soon under another name like OIRF or Curveball. Give her a few days.
Jul 23, 2014
OK, I think I figured out OLIF's comment about a post that was removed.

Several people quoted a post of hers in which she mentioned emailing the AD for Needville. I remember seeing that post. Apparently OLIF removed that post. So, I guess that was the post that was removed, and the bad-@$$ 2-year-old in post 285 was the threat of violence.

Unless someone else has a better explanation, that appears to be what is going on. It appears OLIF took post 285 more seriously than most of us thought she should.


Like the Arnold, She'll be back.
May 18, 2009
The runners are angling in to the plate. They are entitled to the plate when there's no play at the plate. They were given the up sign while coming in. Being in foul territory they have to angle back toward the plate. It's a flagrant unsportsmanlike easy call. The umpire should get as much flack as the Crosby girl.

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