Poor sportsmanship

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Nov 3, 2012
Yes it is the same girl. these incidents only happened 2 batters apart. The second girl is a 14yr old sophomore. i have talked to her several times since the incident and have asked her what she was thinking as she rounded 3rd and if the first incident crossed her mind that it could happen again. she stated that all she was thinking was she was going to score and watching her other teammates for the signal to slide.

This totally makes sense. The girl was scoring the go ahead run for the state championship game. She's very focused on what she's been trained to do. Also the catcher was also focused on what she's been trained.
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI

I think this is the threat OLIF is referring to, which referred to OLIF sending an email to the Needville AD. I thought this was a joke. Maybe others saw if differently. If there was some other post where someone threatened violence, then I did not see such a post. Maybe it was deleted, if such a post existed.
Mar 23, 2010
In general Americans are forgiving people. All she needs to do is say she is sorry for her actions and it' will all be OK. She will be marked in the future so she better not do it again and better hope there aren't other examples of her doing this out there. It doesn't have to be a public apology, it can be a nice letter to the other coach, it can be a call to the other coach and it's done.

People are forgiving, and I hope the kid gets better guidance, owns it, and moves on.

IMHO, her TB coach muffed a chance to defuse some of this by trying to defend the elbows instead of something like "I can't justify these actions, but I can assure you they are not representative of the person and player I know.
Oct 3, 2009
Does anybody honestly think this would have happened if the 3rd baseman was wearing a mask?
Mar 26, 2013
Since I was just threatened with physical violence, of which many of you agreed, and the post had to be removed, I will not be on the board anymore.
I don't think it's post 285 since she said the post was removed. She also says many people agreed with it - really? Perhaps a mod can shed some light on it.

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