Poor sportsmanship

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Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
They were looking for some scrape? Really? Do you think they would of braced themselves if they had were looking for contact. So why did they go flying when they were clotheslined by the cacther? Its amazing how much affect she had on the runners, they looked like rag dolls and obviously werent expecting contact. But her timing was perfect, never seen anything like that in a baseball or softball game. The runners were scoring the go ahead or really big run in a state championship game. They werent looking to do some bush league crap.

They got a clip of plays on ESPN website.

On the first play it may have caught the runner off guard. However, unless the runner in the second play was totally out to lunch they would have to be pretty naive not to see it coming. Looking at the multiple videos and hearing the audio it is obvious that both sides were playing a particularly trashy style of ball that looked like a mix of WWE and Trailer Park Dinner Theater.
Dec 19, 2012
I guess people want to see what they want to see.

What I see is a catcher with no play at the plate, positioning herself (left foot on the foul line) in a way that would initiate contact with the base runner and then lowering the boom with her left arm and shoulder. This is a very experienced catcher who has has been recruited to play D1 and knows exactly what she is doing. There is a reason you never, ever see this dirty play happen because as a catcher you shouldn't be in that position in the first place unless you are purposely trying to make contact with the runner. She had to have known what she was doing and even if she made a mistake the first time, she didn't correct her "mistake" and initiated contact again! She went looking for contact. This was no honest mistake.

Totally agree. She knew exactly what she was doing. What people don't understand is that the video is being taken by a fan in the stands on the third base side in a college stadium. If that same fan was on the third base line the camera would not see the plate because the catcher's on the foul line, and would see the catchers body sway into foul territory to make contact with the runners. The runners were never in fair territory when contact by the catcher was made. The runners are not trying to put a shoulder into the catcher. We know this because they are running upright, and that's why the catcher had no problem knocking them off their feet. If the runners were putting a shoulder into them they would fall forward, not sideways. The runners had to run to the plate in order to step on it. No play is being made so they SHOULDN'T be sliding. The entire plate is in FAIR TERRITORY. What exactly do the people see that makes them believe the runners had something to do with the contact?
May 24, 2013
So Cal
On the first play it may have caught the runner off guard. However, unless the runner in the second play was totally out to lunch they would have to be pretty naive not to see it coming. Looking at the multiple video and hearing the audio it is obvious that both sides were playing a particularly trashy style of ball that looked like a mix of WWE and Trailer Park Dinner Theater.

In the first hit, the girl in the background on the right is the girl who took the second hit (Nsane - Please correct me if I'm wrong). I have a hard time imagining that someone would knowingly run into that situation, but I will take Nsane's word for it.
They were looking for some scrape? Really? Do you think they would of braced themselves if they had were looking for contact. So why did they go flying when they were clotheslined by the cacther? Its amazing how much affect she had on the runners, they looked like rag dolls and obviously werent expecting contact. But her timing was perfect, never seen anything like that in a baseball or softball game. The runners were scoring the go ahead or really big run in a state championship game. They werent looking to do some bush league crap.

They got a clip of plays on ESPN website.

They're competitive girls and I am sure they took exception to that catcher blocking about 80% of the plate and it looked to me like they were both expecting a little bit of a brush with a stationary girl while they were moving at full speed. The second girl looks to be expecting even a bit more than a brush.

I don't think either of them saw or expected that 5'10" tree limb hanging across the trail, though. ;)
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Apr 5, 2013
Back on the dirt...
Eric, I don't think they are the same players. Runner in first one is number 1. Runner in second is number 4. Runner before in first is double digit number. Hard to tell but I don't think they are the same runner. It looks like they have on different cleats as well.

The catcher is in the wrong in my book. She had no play and what she did is dirty and not a part of the game. JMHO.

Added: I don't see the expectation of brush or they would not have been decleated so dramatically. #1 is not a small young lady.
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The catcher is in the wrong in my book. She had no play and what she did is dirty and not a part of the game. JMHO.
I agree completely. She was obviously looking for something and she found it. I also think those two runners were looking for a little something, too. They just got more than they were looking for.

I believe, after watching this a few times, that if either of the three parties had not been looking for something, these collisions would have never happened.
May 24, 2013
So Cal
Eric, I don't think they are the same players. Runner in first one is number 1. Runner in second is number 4. Runner before in first is double digit number. Hard to tell but I don't think they are the same runner. It looks like they have on different cleats as well.

I'm not saying the same player got hit twice. In the pic of the first hit, the girl in the black jersey in the background on the right (waving in the runner) looks (to me) like the girl in the second hit.

It certainly is possible that the second girl didn't think that the catcher would dare pull that hip-check move again.
Dec 19, 2012
I would hope she would've learned that lesson.

She's obviously a pretty tough kid, though. You never know .....

It is not hard to decleat someone running by. As a matter of fact it's easy because you use the element of surprise, their own momentum, and their upright balance against them. It's a chump move.
Apr 28, 2015
The second runner may not have expected it because the runner in front of her crossed cleanly.

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