Poor sportsmanship

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Dad, Husband....legend
Jul 5, 2013
safe in an undisclosed location
if you google, you can find the coach, ad, and tb team contacts. I am not going to post them. I am sending an email to the ad.

However, let's note the catcher went 0-4, the pitcher was struggling, and they were losing a 4-run lead, and that probably played into it. This is when you need to be composed, not going off the handle and elbowing people. As a coach, it is clear she can't remain sportsmanlike when losing. So not someone i would want on my team in college.

May 24, 2013
So Cal
I've watched this video at least 20 times. How anyone can put any blame on the runners who got taken out is beyond me. Y'all are certainly welcome to your opinion, but it's based solely on assumptions.

If they were attempting to take the catcher out, why were they not more prepared for the contact? The only way you get leveled like that is by not expecting the contact. Don't say the catcher got them before they had the chance, because the catcher just stuck her elbow out. She didn't close the distance suddenly.

Watch a normal tackle in football. You don't see players flying through the air when the contact is expected. Watch a blind side hit during an INT return. This is exactly how it looks because the person getting hit is not expecting contact. That throws the whole "they were going to take the catcher out" issue out the door for me.

I didn't say the runners were trying to take the catcher out, as in land her on her @$$. I agree that a much stronger body position would be required to accomplish that. Not avoiding contact - which, to me, appears to be a readily available option - to draw an OBS call (if needed to secure a run) is more what I was thinking. The second girl had a front row seat to the first hit, but repeated the scene. I don't think there's conclusive evidence. It's just a feeling I get after watching the video several times.

Just to clarify (AGAIN), I think the catcher's actions are inexcusable.
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It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
If you google, you can find the coach, AD, and TB team contacts. I am not going to post them. I am sending an email to the AD.

However, let's note the catcher went 0-4, the pitcher was struggling, and they were losing a 4-run lead, and that probably played into it. This is when you need to be composed, not going off the handle and elbowing people. As a coach, it is clear she can't remain sportsmanlike when losing. So not someone I would want on my team in college.

PS. A hard legal slide is fine.

Feb 7, 2013
I can't possibly know any of the three girls' intent. All I am starting to believe, after watching the video several times in slo-mo, is that it took three to tango here.

I guess people want to see what they want to see.

What I see is a catcher with no play at the plate, positioning herself (left foot on the foul line) in a way that would initiate contact with the base runner and then lowering the boom with her left arm and shoulder. This is a very experienced catcher who has has been recruited to play D1 and knows exactly what she is doing. There is a reason you never, ever see this dirty play happen because as a catcher you shouldn't be in that position in the first place unless you are purposely trying to make contact with the runner. She had to have known what she was doing and even if she made a mistake the first time, she didn't correct her "mistake" and initiated contact again! She went looking for contact. This was no honest mistake.
I guess people want to see what they want to see.

What I see is a catcher with no play at the plate, positioning herself (left foot on the foul line) in a way that would initiate contact with the base runner and then lowering the boom with her left arm and shoulder. This is a very experienced catcher who has has been recruited to play D1 and knows exactly what she is doing. There is a reason you never, ever see this dirty play happen because as a catcher you shouldn't be in that position in the first place unless you are purposely trying to make contact with the runner. She had to have known what she was doing and even if she made a mistake the first time, she didn't correct her "mistake" and initiated contact again! She went looking for contact. This was no honest mistake.
I agree. I did say it looks to me like the catcher was looking for a little scrape. I just think, after watching it a few times, that the runners might have been looking for a little scrape, too.
Feb 7, 2013
I agree. I did say it looks to me like the catcher was looking for a little scrape. I just think, after watching it a few times, that the runners might have been looking for a little scrape, too.

If I was a betting man, I don't think we will see that catcher ever positioning herself that way again with no play at the plate...


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
If I was a betting man, I don't think we will see that catcher ever positioning herself that way again with no play at the plate...

I'll bet if the catcher positions herself at the plate like that again...we'll see the runners take a different path.:eek:
May 24, 2013
So Cal
As i have stated before, My daughter plays for the black/white team. having been around this program for the past 7 years with this coach, and knowing the runners first hand they were not instructed to run through the catcher, nor would they if they would have been instructed. the first time it happened the ball was thrown into second base to try and get the hitter from getting a double. the second time the ball was cur by the pitcher and the pitcher was holding the ball looking at the hitter on 1st, the runner was approximately 10-12 ft from the plate. after the runner got blown up at home, the catcher hollars for the ball then the pitcher turns and sees her holding up the glove and wanting the ball. If the pitcher lets the ball through there is a play at the plate, once she cut it off, the runner and next batter told her she was up (not to slide) thats when she got blasted. i was at the game sitting front row of the stands, i heard it and saw all of it.

Since you were the one that was there, and know the program much better than I possibly can, I will take your word for it. I was only expressing a feeling I got when watching the video highlights. Please be clear that the only inappropriate action I see is in the action of the catcher.

I greatly appreciate your input on this thread.

BTW - Congrats to your DD for the win! :)
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Nov 3, 2012
I agree. I did say it looks to me like the catcher was looking for a little scrape. I just think, after watching it a few times, that the runners might have been looking for a little scrape, too.

They were looking for some scrape? Really? Do you think they would of braced themselves if they had were looking for contact. So why did they go flying when they were clotheslined by the cacther? Its amazing how much affect she had on the runners, they looked like rag dolls and obviously werent expecting contact. But her timing was perfect, never seen anything like that in a baseball or softball game. The runners were scoring the go ahead or really big run in a state championship game. They werent looking to do some bush league crap.

They got a clip of plays on ESPN website.

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