Playing tournaments in the heat - advice from the experts

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Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Humidity is just as important as the temperature.

Lived in Georgia until 3 years ago. Last tournament that we played there, it was 105 degrees for a high. Folks in Georgia might remember it. It was June of 2012. But it was not that bad, thanks to fairly low humidity and fact we hydrated well ahead of time. Have played in 90-degree weather with high humidity that was worse.


Way past gone
Aug 28, 2011
The Crazy Train
Coogan, I went to watch someone else play in an older age group that weekend.... Man that was HOT! People were under POP UPS, FANS were EVERYWHERE. One Team even had a dugout misting system.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
And when I say it wasn't that bad, I guess I should've said it wasn't as bad as a thought, in that I feared it would be unplayable. It was tough. But I don't recall any major heat issues w/ the players. But we saw the forecast days in advance and prepared, and we were spared the humidity that could've made it too dangerous to play in.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
If you are properly prepared and well hydrated playing softball in any heat should be no problem. Especially when compared to other activities that are actually strenuous. Use some common sense and it should never be an issue.
Mar 21, 2013
Pedialite packets have less sugar than Gatorade. Also, eliminating excess sugar (ice cream, candy etc) a few day before helps also. Your health food stores should have electrolyte packets you can mix with water. Another good source of protein besides peanut butter is something like prosciutto.
Dec 20, 2012
if she is getting overheated a cold towel on certain spots of the body will help cool her down. The wrists, inside the elbow and knees, inner thigh, under armpits are few spots. Blood vessels are closer to the body's surface and will cool faster in these spots. Not a cure but will help between innings. Like everyone has said preparation is the key to beating the heat.
Dec 19, 2012
Never stop hydrating. You should properly hydrate every day of the week. Do not stop. She can even take a B-Complex vitamin daily.

On game days drink Pedialite and pickle juice instead of Gatorade. Continue hydrating with water. Eat protein like almonds, cheese (my dd likes string cheese and cheddar cheese sticks), peanut butter, greek yogurt (Chobani or Fage), sliced turkey, beef jerky, etc. throughout game day. Do not drink carbonated beverages as it robs the body of oxygen. In between games find some shade. At the end of the day have her drink some low fat chocolate milk.
Nov 26, 2010
Keep an eye on the girls, at that age they still want to fool around with each other, then you have the kids whose parents (and sometimes its the coaches) who are excessive practicers at tourneys. They think they need to drill last game's mistakes out of the kids between games. Nothing like playing 3 games and having 2 full practices on a 90 degree day.

Rest in the shade, give up the shade if you are the parents. We always bring lots of cold melon to games as its a nice sweet treat plus its mostly water.
Jul 12, 2012
On the bleachers
Never stop hydrating. You should properly hydrate every day of the week. Do not stop. She can even take a B-Complex vitamin daily.

On game days drink Pedialite and pickle juice instead of Gatorade. Continue hydrating with water. Eat protein like almonds, cheese (my dd likes string cheese and cheddar cheese sticks), peanut butter, greek yogurt (Chobani or Fage), sliced turkey, beef jerky, etc. throughout game day. Do not drink carbonated beverages as it robs the body of oxygen. In between games find some shade. At the end of the day have her drink some low fat chocolate milk.
My DD said, "Frozen pickle juice is the BOMB mom"! LOL

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