Playing showcases to win????

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Jun 22, 2008
If it is a showcase, why is there any elimination round or reward for winning? :)
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Does not sound like a showcase. Sounds like a competitive tournament where they invited some coaches. I would expect most coaches would watch play when they can see specific players and then blow off the elimination rounds. I have found that the colleges that hang around to "window shop" watching games and not specific players are usually on the lower end of the talent spectrum.
Oct 22, 2009
I have found the dynamic in showcases to be "interesting". Everyone says teams are there to give players opportunities for exposure and the emphasis is not on winning. However, the parents of the players certainly do not like it when you go 0-fer the weekend no matter how much playing time everyone got. The response you get from other coaches is also interesting when you tell them you had an 0-fer. The reality is everyone is playing to win and showcase their best players. The players who are less skilled and outmatched really should not be on the field, since bad exposure is worse than no exposure. Play to win and give playing time to the players who have a legitimate shot at impressing college coaches. You do poorly one year, and the next year you will be playing on a satellite field where NO ONE on the team gets seen.
Mar 18, 2014
We are in the same tournament. We bat 14 girls some time 15 in pool play. We batted 14 against Hoover last night and won 5 to 3. I think the kids always try to win regardless how many bat .
Mar 20, 2014
We are playing in a showcase next weekend. 40+ colleges coaches attending. This is our second year attending although DD played as an individual last year (her team didn't go). I watched a friend's DD (along with several other players) sit in the dugout for 75% of the showcase because her coach was there to win-this is a round robin type tournament. I don't get it. If you are truly there to get your players exposure to college coaches shouldn't you be promoting all your players? Or is it all about bragging rights and egos? I am not saying that everything should be equitable but even your B & C players should be rotated in IMO...
Dec 20, 2012
If you're doing your job as a parent putting her on the teams that are playing the right tourneys, the kid is doing their job as a player working hard and contacting coaches, and the coaches are doing there job as a used car salesman then all is good. If there are 40 coaches at the tournament and your team has the talent then there is no reason why the coaches would not be asking to see specific players in specific roles on the field. Let me see so-n-so at ss or can I see your lefty lay down a drag or whatever. But if everyone is doing their part in order to help the kids and the talent is there(without rose colored glasses) then you should not even be thinking of winning. The lineup should be changing every inning to satisfy the request of college coaches, if in fact the coach is actually in it for the girls.

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