Pitchers covering home plate

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Jun 13, 2012
I read this thread with interest - partially because my DD is a pitcher, and partially because i'm currently coaching 10U.

From my perspective, we started this past season with the pitchers covering home on pass balls. But, it was a deliberate move. With a mostly first year team, we were moving the kids around the positions a lot & we frequently found kids at first who just didnt get the concept of getting in there to cover - depsite running a couple drills for the whole team. The pitchers on the other hand - a much smaller group of kids, very dedicated (two of the three of them were going to provate pitching coaches) & they all routinely attended extra pitching sessions - and generally speaking, these kids had a better "game sense" about them - it was easy to get "some" coverage there more consistently.

About half way through the season, we tightened up on the kids that were playing first, had spent much more time working with them & we made the switch to having first covering home. The kids who were part of our reduced 1B pool and didnt consistently get in there to cover, found themselves playing first less. The lesson learned, we didnt spend any time explaining the strategy shift to the parents - some of whom tried to coach / reprimand their kids from the bench, then told the coaches we were being inconsistent (no, we've made a PLANNED change, now go back to the bleachers and WATCH!)

I did see at districts in June a 14U game where a house team had their stud pitcher covering pass balls - and evidently either had never been taught how to position herself - or forgot. In either case, the kid sliding into home caught her in the shin just above the ankle, tib-fb compound fracture. The team lost their only decent pitcher, their coach (was the coaches daughter) and then suffered some poor sportsmanship at the hands of the other team that then proceeded to run the score up unmercilessly (and unnecessarily). Which brings up another topic for another day - how the teams react to injuries to players (what im wondering about and will one day pose in another thread, is how it varies - if at all, by age).
Jul 26, 2010
Wait, you're saying your daughter got taken out by her own teammate?

Your daughter goofed up. Pitcher should not be taking a fly two feet from first base's line. That ball was first base's. As both a first base and a pitcher it would never occur for me to take a ball on the line. I know some teams (and I'm talking state open teams so the best in our country) where I've watched third base come in and take the fly ball for the pitcher standing on the pitchers' plate. Now while I think that's too extreme, there is nothing wrong with allowing the girl who throws every pitch to be given a hand by her teammates.

First base takes every time.

I think you misread the post, Lozza. 2 feet outside the circle towards the 1B side was where it occurred. Keep in mind that the 1B is behind the pitcher and the pitcher was waving it off. No way for the pitcher to have a visual on 1B and still watch the ball. Honestly I don't know why 1B went for this, the point of the post was that accidents and injuries happen no matter what you plan for, but that it's better to teach proper mechanics then to hope something magic happens without training when the moment occurs in a game.

Dec 9, 2011
hmmmmmmm pitcher... what is her job? Inside be interesting what you think a pitchers job is. So if the coaches decide not to have there pitcher cover certain bases or certain bunts or certain situation and you in the stands not knowing all of this... your watching a game and the pitcher does what her coaches wants her to do... so do you look at your buddy and say that pitcher is a princess? She is doing what her coach wants her to do... My suggestion is not to call any player any type of name... someone could be calling your daughter a name.. (I have three daughters.. one daughter was a catcher (D1) one daughter a pitcher (high school) and one daughter
a cheerleader (D1) (ok guys i'm sorry yes a cheerleader... lol ) And just to be clear Inside and Green I do respect and really like your posts and your love for the game..... just like anything else it's just my opinion from what I have seen, studied, followed, game films, and coaches that I have got to talk with.... but hey what works for one doesn't mean it works for another


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
hmmmmmmm pitcher... what is her job? Inside be interesting what you think a pitchers job is. So if the coaches decide not to have there pitcher cover certain bases or certain bunts or certain situation and you in the stands not knowing all of this... your watching a game and the pitcher does what her coaches wants her to do... so do you look at your buddy and say that pitcher is a princess? She is doing what her coach wants her to do... My suggestion is not to call any player any type of name... someone could be calling your daughter a name.. (I have three daughters.. one daughter was a catcher (D1) one daughter a pitcher (high school) and one daughter
a cheerleader
(D1) (ok guys i'm sorry yes a cheerleader... lol ) And just to be clear Inside and Green I do respect and really like your posts and your love for the game..... just like anything else it's just my opinion from what I have seen, studied, followed, game films, and coaches that I have got to talk with.... but hey what works for one doesn't mean it works for another

Probably just a mix up at the hospital - LOL
Dec 9, 2011
That's what I said to my wife. Green I liked your comment earlier about showcase tournaments. I was down in Rock Hill SC a few weeks ago for the Ray Chandler showcase (Great man) Was there just on leasure time enjoying the showcase. No wife or kids so I could watch what I wanted to watch. Some coaches do not understand the meaning showcase tournament... what there designed for... not idea about drop dead time..
Jul 26, 2010
Thanks for the thoughts, Joeman.

As an update, she was able to pitch this past weekend. She was able to practice and get through her lesson wed-thur without pain and her Dr. gave her a green light. She pitched 2 games on Sat and a game and a half on Sun.

As it pertains to this thread, she was put in late in game 1 on sunday elimination play after the team was in a bit of trouble, down 2-1. Three up, three down the first inning she pitched, and then she hit a 2 run double to put the team ahead 3-2. She got into a bit of trouble the second (final inning) she pitched that game, beaning the tieing run on base with a screwball and the next batter reached on a SS error. The next pitch got by the catcher (low curve for a strike, not sure what happened there) so the runners advanced to 2 and 3. Next two batters K'd, and she was up 1-2 on the final batter when another pitch got past the catcher. Runner on 3 advanced and the catcher hustled to the ball and flipped it about 2 feet in front of home plate. DD dove for it and made the tag to the baserunners hand (headfirst slide) and helmet, about a foot up the baseline towards third for the final out.

There was a lot of luck and hustle involved (granted the pitch shouldn't have gotten by the catcher but stuff happens), but I think the kid made the right decision. Her team went on to play another game that day (which they lost 3-2). If she hadn't have covered home, it could have gone a different way. The base runner did suffer an injury to her hand where she either jammed her fingers sliding or on the tag, but there seemed to be no permanent damage done and the injury was no doubt exasperated by the drama of the moment. I'm proud of what DD did there, but as a pitchers parent I could go on at length complaining about what happened to her change-up, but I'll digress.

Just thought I'd share since it was related to the discussion.

Jun 19, 2013

Was looking for some info on how to have DD handle these situations and this sure was an exciting thread.

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