Pitchers covering home plate

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Dec 9, 2011
I have seen many many college games. I have seen many that will not take a chance on there pithers making a play at the plate and at bases. Some will some won't. Now the pitcher will make a move towards home but very seldom will there be a play at home. You have to remember college backstop distance. Stars my suggestion would be to talk to your 1st baseman.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I guess in New England 60+MPH pitchers must grow on trees, but where I come from they are scarce....unless you ask their parents and then every girl over 12 can hit 60+ with 6+ pitches that all have great movement! LMAO

You're right, 60+ pitchers aren't the norm here in New England, but there's usually at least 1 or 2 on the better U16 and U18 teams around here. It's the exception like Fico at LSU that play top D1, but there's enough schools here in the NE that these kids are recruited and play in college. And if that's the case here in the recognzied non-hot bed of SB, there must be a lot more of them out there in other parts of the country.
Jan 27, 2010
LOL LOL Green and Inside must still be in 8u 10u 12u and rec league ball. When you step up to the big girls I would advise you not to have your pitcher feet anywhere near home plate on pass ball

Joeman, DD is a 98' that has played up this year. If she slides into the backstop to get a wild pitch and the P isn't there she will call her out. Ok since we don't have a crazy dad for a coach.

We are in the NE and DD has a 14YO friend that can hit 60. Her game speed is mid 50's but I have watched her pitch dozens in the 57-58mph. She is a gamer and her team steps up when she is on the mound. I can't help but feel the two go hand in hand.

We don't teach the catcher to block the plate, why would we teach the pitcher to do that? Plus, if there is any play it's usually the P catching the ball as she is running in and placing the tag on the incoming player. If there is a play, it would be a rarity for P to have time to set up in a block of the plate.

I would also recommend you not having your pitcher covering any bases.
Why not just have a jugs machine throw the ball. Can you imagine saying this about a MLB pitcher?

Green knows nothing about college coaching... You really think a college looks at a pitcher on the condition of her covering home plate on a pass ball???
They might not recruit on that condition but I could imagine one walking away if they see the princess make no attempt.
Dec 9, 2011
Inside don't think I ever said anything about blocking the plate. Inside oh ok so your in NE area. I understand now. I love this princess thing. lol lol. Inside if you feel your pitcher is being judged on the way she covers a play at home plate than all i can say is ok. Jugs machine??? lol MLB pitcher covering home on a pass ball?? I don't think I have ever seen that. MLB pitcher will cover first at times but now I don't think I've seen a fastpitch pitcher cover 1st. Now I could be wrong cause I haven't seen every game but I have seen alot and I mean alot of college games. Now it may happen in NE area.. I don't go up there. I'm usually on the west coast or in the southern states. Pitchers take enought risk now why add to it. Ok inside you do this get a bucket of balls and throw to your hitters from the front of the circle without a screen. For anyone who calls a pitcher princess I suggest all of you do it. I would love to see video tape of you doing this. (catchers should be called princess they get to have all that gear to protect them and there even behind the hitter) But I won't go there because I love catchers. They work hard for little glory. Princess??? have you ever seen a princess take one of the head? It's not pretty princess thing to see.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
I have seen many many college games. I have seen many that will not take a chance on there pithers making a play at the plate and at bases. Some will some won't. Now the pitcher will make a move towards home but very seldom will there be a play at home. You have to remember college backstop distance. Stars my suggestion would be to talk to your 1st baseman.

Based on your experience, what's your recommendation Joe? Teach them how to cover safely? Always concede the run? Concede the run in certain situations?
Jan 27, 2010
I don't know why the south and west would take a decidedly different approach but since I only watch those games on TV I can't speak to the philosophy.

I do pitch to DD and I have to move closer to get more across the plate. Yes I have been hit and it is probably rather comical to watch. No I don't particularly like seeing a pitcher get nailed but I do support the mask for safety's sake.

As for catchers being protected, for the most part yes, but foul tips have a way of finding those areas that aren't. Add the additional heat they are subjected to when it's over 90F and they are one tough group of kids. Since DD is a catcher and I see how much effort she puts into each game I think its rather offensive that someone would suggest another team member be exempt from giving 100%. Since I don't see a mind being changed perhaps we can agree to disagree.
Mar 13, 2010
My own daughter got taken out of a game two weeks ago. She was pitching her third game that weekend (don't get me started), and she threw a rise that was hit for a high infield pop-up. She stepped about 2 feet to the 1B side of the circle to field it, called the ball and waved off, but the 1st baseman (a rather large girl) freight trained her and hit my daughter right in the knee. She held onto the ball but she hasn't been able to pitch since. So what would you suggest here? The pitcher just roll up into a fetal position after releasing the ball and lie in the middle of the circle? It's a tough game, players get hurt, that's why it's a sport not a game.

Wait, you're saying your daughter got taken out by her own teammate?

Your daughter goofed up. Pitcher should not be taking a fly two feet from first base's line. That ball was first base's. As both a first base and a pitcher it would never occur for me to take a ball on the line. I know some teams (and I'm talking state open teams so the best in our country) where I've watched third base come in and take the fly ball for the pitcher standing on the pitchers' plate. Now while I think that's too extreme, there is nothing wrong with allowing the girl who throws every pitch to be given a hand by her teammates.

Based on your experience, what's your recommendation Joe? Teach them how to cover safely? Always concede the run? Concede the run in certain situations?

First base takes every time.
Dec 9, 2011
I see more times when that situation occurs (and it doesn't occur that much at top level) that no matter what happens the runner scores. Now you have to remember I'm talking about college level and top level travel. Green I do agree on situation.. It depends on pitch call and if catcher is right or left handed, who the runner is on third base, which direction the pass ball went.. is your third baseman a track star or the first baseman a track star, is you batter right side or left side, is your ump a slot ump or not, what type of back stop fence or block... I think it's offensive when people call pitchers princesses... i think pitchers are a tough group of kids... And if you pitched to girls without a screen in top level you would not be here....
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
A slightly different spin on this.

Last year was the 1st year DD pitched with the runner was allowed to steal home. She expended way too much energy on when the runner was on 3rd. Between her pitching and the catchers there was a lot of wild pitches and passed balls so sometimes it looked like she was taking 2 running steps home after every pitch when there was a runner of 3rd.

Game should not be that hard.

Pitcher throws the ball, C catches it.

On the rare occasion 1 of these things do not happen, P start running home regard less of what the runner on 3rd is doing.

Maybe next year.
Jan 27, 2010
I would only call the pitcher a princess if she stood in the circle expecting someone else to do her job but then I'd call anyone that who exempted themselves from something everyone else was expected to do and not limited to just softball.

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