Pitchers covering home plate

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Jan 27, 2010
Most of the top "A" teams become low "A" or high "B" teams if you take their #1 pitcher off their roster

I'm guessing the No 1 has to pitch every game then or your team becomes less. I'm not saying it won't affect a team if the No 1 goes down but I can't see some kid in the OF laying out and putting her body on the line when she has a pitcher she knows won't try to stop a run.
Dec 9, 2011
LOL LOL Green and Inside must still be in 8u 10u 12u and rec league ball. When you step up to the big girls I would advise you not to have your pitcher feet anywhere near home plate on pass ball and I would also recommend you not having your pitcher covering any bases. Some of these young ladies play the game a little rough. I am against dirty play but sometimes it happens and sometimes a spike may hit the wrong place just by accident. You call them divas... The mental aspect of pitching... the physical part of pitching... the commitment part of pitching... the emotion part of pitching... hmmmmmmmm diva you say... Now that's funny.
Dec 9, 2011
Some pitchers don't hit. Monica Abbot did she ever hit??? Some pitchers do hit... It really depends on if your pitcher can hit or she can't.
Dec 9, 2011
Green knows nothing about college coaching... You really think a college looks at a pitcher on the condition of her covering home plate on a pass ball??? Green has found the answer on getting your pitcher recruited. I have to say this is good stuff.... lol


Feb 20, 2012
Interesting take on this. I consider it another situation, just another play in the game. Although we have only spent about 20 minutes practicing this play this Fall I feel teams just don't spend time on it. It's just like anything else, practice it. JAD with your reasoning, do you allow your pitcher to hit? She could get hit in the hand with a 60 mph pitch, and break her hand. Do you allow your pitchers to run bases? She could slide and break/sprain her foot/ankle.

If the pitcher has a good bat we let her hit, but we always put in a 'courtesy runner' for her if she reaches base. I do not think we coddle our pitchers, but I am not a fan of putting a pitcher in a position to get hurt by covering home plate on a play that does not effect the outcome of the game.
Jul 26, 2010
They'll get hurt despite your attempts to shield them. Teach them how to play their position, and they will likely use proper mechanics when the time comes. Most pitchers I know are hyper-aggressive and want to win games. At some point, a game is going to come down to that play at the plate. The pitcher is going to try to get the out. You can either teach her how, or hope she figures it out on her own when the time comes.

My own daughter got taken out of a game two weeks ago. She was pitching her third game that weekend (don't get me started), and she threw a rise that was hit for a high infield pop-up. She stepped about 2 feet to the 1B side of the circle to field it, called the ball and waved off, but the 1st baseman (a rather large girl) freight trained her and hit my daughter right in the knee. She held onto the ball but she hasn't been able to pitch since. So what would you suggest here? The pitcher just roll up into a fetal position after releasing the ball and lie in the middle of the circle? It's a tough game, players get hurt, that's why it's a sport not a game.



Feb 20, 2012
Maybe because those teams, like college coaches, are looking for pitchers that know how to and are willing to cover home plate after they've screwed up and bounced one in the dirt with a runner on 3B. And, FWIW, high-level TB teams have more than 1 good pitcher who throws 60+.

I guess in New England 60+MPH pitchers must grow on trees, but where I come from they are scarce....unless you ask their parents and then every girl over 12 can hit 60+ with 6+ pitches that all have great movement! LMAO


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
LOL LOL Green and Inside must still be in 8u 10u 12u and rec league ball. When you step up to the big girls I would advise you not to have your pitcher feet anywhere near home plate on pass ball and I would also recommend you not having your pitcher covering any bases. Some of these young ladies play the game a little rough. I am against dirty play but sometimes it happens and sometimes a spike may hit the wrong place just by accident. You call them divas... The mental aspect of pitching... the physical part of pitching... the commitment part of pitching... the emotion part of pitching... hmmmmmmmm diva you say... Now that's funny.

How many college games have you seen where the run is conceded at home plate? If you teach your pitchers the right way to cover safely when they are young, they'll get the experience and confidence to be able to do it at all levels without getting hurt.

IMO, SB is a team sport and the team comes before the individual player. Perhaps conceding the run at the plate may be a byproduct of showcase play, where the objective is individual exposure rather than team W-L record?

And FWIW, I wouldn't trade the memories and experiences of those early years for anything and now wish there were more TB years ahead of us.


Feb 20, 2012
I'm guessing the No 1 has to pitch every game then or your team becomes less. I'm not saying it won't affect a team if the No 1 goes down but I can't see some kid in the OF laying out and putting her body on the line when she has a pitcher she knows won't try to stop a run.

Some teams may be blessed with a 1A and 1B pitcher, but most teams I am familiar with have one 'ACE' if they are lucky and it is a big drop off to the #2. If you re-read my original post, I said that we do not want our pitchers covering home when the game is not on the line. In a tight game we will cover home plate in a manner that minimizes the risk to our pitcher. If other coaches want their pitchers blocking home plate, that is their decision. I am simply stating how we manage our defense.

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