Pitchers covering home plate

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Jan 27, 2010
Must be all the dads of pitchers that don't was DD making the play at home. Isn't that special.

We expect 100% from every other player, get dirty, lay out and make the stop, get down and block all the junk the pitcher can't get to the glove but geez don't let little Suzy break a fingernail. They are athletes playing a team sport, teach them the right way and let them do ALL of their job.
Jul 26, 2010
What Chaz said.

I don't like being overly protective of pitchers in youth softball. Don't do anything stupid, but don't shield them from the game either. Chances are, the majority of them won't be pitchers a few years down the line but may still be playing softball. Anything you can do to not create another pretty pretty princess is for the betterment of society as a whole ;)



Feb 20, 2012
When we practice this play our goal is to teach the pitcher how to cover home plate without getting hurt. That said, a little 'situational awareness' can go a long way to helping your pitcher make the right decision. Up or down by more than 2 runs and we instruct the pitcher not to make a play at home. No sense in risking your pitcher getting hurt on a play that does not effect the outcome of the game!
Nov 12, 2009
Kansas City
I don't teach the girls to go down on a knee and try to block the plate - the risk is just simply not worth it.
We never want pitcher (or the catcher for that fact) to block the plate. The series of pictures show Lisa inside the baseline. We always work with our catchers to throw overhand rather than underhand. Typically underhand throws are too slow and off target. I watch teams week after week cover with the underhand throw and have only seen one out this summer using this method. The catcher must work on the specifics of the overhand throw to be accurate and effective. Not done correctly (And practiced) and they are throwing it into the infield....


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
When we practice this play our goal is to teach the pitcher how to cover home plate without getting hurt. That said, a little 'situational awareness' can go a long way to helping your pitcher make the right decision. Up or down by more than 2 runs and we instruct the pitcher not to make a play at home. No sense in risking your pitcher getting hurt on a play that does not effect the outcome of the game!

Using the same reasoning, I assume you instruct your players not to slide or dive or your catcher to block dirt balls if there's greater than a 2-run differential. And we wonder why some pitchers act like divas.
Mar 13, 2010
We expect 100% from every other player, get dirty, lay out and make the stop, get down and block all the junk the pitcher can't get to the glove but geez don't let little Suzy break a fingernail. They are athletes playing a team sport, teach them the right way and let them do ALL of their job.

Well the girl is out there throwing every pitch, I think shielding them from harm is allowable. I wish it were the case that coaches wouldn't try and take out teenage girls to win a game, but sadly that is not the case. I've seen girls as young as 12 taken out by disgusting people. Harm minimisation is a wonderful thing.

And simply put, why is the girl who is throwing every pitch expected to do more than the first base whose actual job it should be? First base isn't doing something every pitch (other than taking a step or two forward) First base is not involved with every single ball thrown in the game. PLUS she gets a better view of the runner coming than pitcher ever will. I'm saying this as someone who is both a first base AND a pitcher.
Jan 27, 2010
I'm not advocating the pitcher block the plate but unless it's a bunt situation I don't see 1st getting there in time. The situation is moot at a lot of fields where the backstop is 20 feet behind the plate which is why such a high premium is placed on a good catcher. I didn't teach my kid to set up in the basepath but with her left foot on the front corner of the plate. The rules state the runner must avoid. Teach the pitchers a good technique and let them at it.


Feb 20, 2012
Must be all the dads of pitchers that don't was DD making the play at home. Isn't that special.

We expect 100% from every other player, get dirty, lay out and make the stop, get down and block all the junk the pitcher can't get to the glove but geez don't let little Suzy break a fingernail. They are athletes playing a team sport, teach them the right way and let them do ALL of their job.

If you are playing rec ball or low level travel ball, or if your team has 3 or more STUD pitchers, then you do not have to worry about getting your #1 pitcher hurt. But, if you are a high level TB team with one girl who can throw 60+MPH do you really want to take a chance of getting her hurt on a play that does not effect the outcome of the game? Most of the top "A" teams become low "A" or high "B" teams if you take their #1 pitcher off their roster......why do you think there are so many posts on message boards looking for pitchers?
Jul 16, 2008
If you are playing rec ball or low level travel ball, or if your team has 3 or more STUD pitchers, then you do not have to worry about getting your #1 pitcher hurt. But, if you are a high level TB team with one girl who can throw 60+MPH do you really want to take a chance of getting her hurt on a play that does not effect the outcome of the game? Most of the top "A" teams become low "A" or high "B" teams if you take their #1 pitcher off their roster......why do you think there are so many posts on message boards looking for pitchers?

Interesting take on this. I consider it another situation, just another play in the game. Although we have only spent about 20 minutes practicing this play this Fall I feel teams just don't spend time on it. It's just like anything else, practice it. JAD with your reasoning, do you allow your pitcher to hit? She could get hit in the hand with a 60 mph pitch, and break her hand. Do you allow your pitchers to run bases? She could slide and break/sprain her foot/ankle.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
If you are playing rec ball or low level travel ball, or if your team has 3 or more STUD pitchers, then you do not have to worry about getting your #1 pitcher hurt. But, if you are a high level TB team with one girl who can throw 60+MPH do you really want to take a chance of getting her hurt on a play that does not effect the outcome of the game? Most of the top "A" teams become low "A" or high "B" teams if you take their #1 pitcher off their roster......why do you think there are so many posts on message boards looking for pitchers?

Maybe because those teams, like college coaches, are looking for pitchers that know how to and are willing to cover home plate after they've screwed up and bounced one in the dirt with a runner on 3B. And, FWIW, high-level TB teams have more than 1 good pitcher who throws 60+.

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