Pauly, Hugo, and a WONDERFUL Weekend

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Jun 18, 2012
I was very fortunate to get to meet with Rick Pauly Friday and Saturday, and meet a few of the players, including HUGO!!

Pauly is such a gracious fella. I'm proud to now consider him a good friend that I have actually met after meeting here on this forum. I was SOOOO edified. They guy is a pitching genius!

I also got to meet Alex Hugo, and got to watch and film her get three home-runs (SUCH SWAGGER!). Thanks to Pauly, got to meet Jessica Mendoza (ESPN)! I'm not sure it could get any better over a two day period.

Doug and Rick.jpgHugo and others.jpgMendoza.jpg
Jun 18, 2012
I didn't even know Mendoza was there. She just came walking up after the double-header yesterday to talk to Pauly. She played with Sara Pauly a few years. Funny thing is that I knew her face looked familiar, but since I wasn't thinking Mendoza, I told her that she looked familiar and asked her who she was. When she told me, I felt like a dork! Oh well, got a picture, anyway.
Feb 7, 2013
Great stuff. While it's a bummer Rick cannot post here anymore, it is great to see him working his magic in the Georgia dugout. And yes, Alex Hugo is a beast!


It wasn't me.
Jun 5, 2010
Not here.
Very cool. I was gonna share I met up with Redhotcoach today but dang you got me beat. ;)


I'm still excited.