Opinion needed!!

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Jul 4, 2015
Sorry that my first post have to be like this!!

Need your opinion! My DD started playing softball last year she just turned 14yr, with in a couple off month she earn the starting CF position! She is only 5'2 but very fast and hard working girl. This year she made it to a TB team as a CF!here is the problem, she wants to play infield (SS or SC) but the HC is not giving her the chance. What can she do? We have practice infield and I know that she can be a great infielder, she is a very talented young girl.

PS. The coach is the same for both teams.
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
she wants to play infield (SS or SC) but the HC is not giving her the chance.

What is SC?

Encourage her to let the coach know that.

But she also needs to understand what travel ball is about (if she doesn't already). It's not about players getting the chance to play the positions they want. She needs to understand that the coach wants the strongest defense possible, and is not usually interested in letting kids try their favorite positions for the fun of it. So DD should express it that way - ''I think I could be a good infielder and would help the team there. I'd love to get that opportunity some times. But I'll play wherever you believe will help the team.'' And it's important that she understand and believe that and not just repeat it. She's playing center field for a reason. I don't know what the reason is. Might be because she covers the most ground and putting her in the infield would hurt the outfield more than it helps the infield. She needs to understand how it works. The coach is much more interested in his team's goals than a player's individual goals. So appeal to that.

fwiw, it would be unusual for a girl with one year of softball experience to be a14U travel team's best shortstop. It's got to be an unusually talented player, or a low/entry-level travel team. But I'm sure it happens occasionally.


Jun 11, 2015
Im in a similar situation. My daughter joined a new team and they put her in the OF. She had never played OF before. She is a lefty but she has always played 3rd, SS and 1st. This coach doesnt want lefties playing anywhere but 1st (for obvious reasons). The kid is as good as the other infielders but I wont say she is better. Im happy she is learning OF. The good thing is the coach has all the girls practicing infield so my daughter gets some reps. The kid wants to earn an infield spot so I just tell her she needs to work extra hard in practice and show the coaches what she has. The coaches have taken notice and complement her on her infield regularly.

NE wayz my opinion is you should ask the coaches(nicely) to give her a few reps in practice. When your DD gets the opportunity she needs to give it her all. Extra hustle, communicate loudly with the team on cuts ect. Do all the things coaches want to see. Being as good as the other infielders wont cut it. She needs to be twice as good. If she does that it shouldnt be too long before she gets the spot she deserves. You also need to think about what is best for the team. If they put your DD in the infield will the player who moves to the OF be a good fit there?
Jul 4, 2015
Thank you both! She is the better outfielder in the team! However she tells me all the time that she can do better job that our existing SS. The problem is the outfield might suffer a little. I will encourage her to keep practicing hard and to talk to the coach to see what he thinks!!
Jun 30, 2015
Im in a similar situation. My daughter joined a new team and they put her in the OF. She had never played OF before. She is a lefty but she has always played 3rd, SS and 1st. This coach doesnt want lefties playing anywhere but 1st (for obvious reasons). The kid is as good as the other infielders but I wont say she is better. Im happy she is learning OF. The good thing is the coach has all the girls practicing infield so my daughter gets some reps. The kid wants to earn an infield spot so I just tell her she needs to work extra hard in practice and show the coaches what she has. The coaches have taken notice and complement her on her infield regularly.

NE wayz my opinion is you should ask the coaches(nicely) to give her a few reps in practice. When your DD gets the opportunity she needs to give it her all. Extra hustle, communicate loudly with the team on cuts ect. Do all the things coaches want to see. Being as good as the other infielders wont cut it. She needs to be twice as good. If she does that it shouldnt be too long before she gets the spot she deserves. You also need to think about what is best for the team. If they put your DD in the infield will the player who moves to the OF be a good fit there?
The only position a lefty can play in the infield at an elite lvl is 1st Bases. Do not encourage her to pursue playing 3rd, ss, or 2nd. If she has good speed the outfield is where she needs to perfect her art. If she is a big stick she needs to work on her 1st base skills. Just IMHO of coaching for over 10 years.

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Jun 30, 2015
Sorry that my first post have to be like this!!

Need your opinion! My DD started playing softball last year she just turned 14yr, with in a couple off month she earn the starting CF position! She is only 5'2 but very fast and hard working girl. This year she made it to a TB team as a CF!here is the problem, she wants to play infield (SS or SC) but the HC is not giving her the chance. What can she do? We have practice infield and I know that she can be a great infielder, she is a very talented young girl.

PS. The coach is the same for both teams.
If she has speed and reads the ball well off the bat encourage her to master knowing what to do with the ball every time it is hit to her. If she has these skills and works hard at perfecting them she will excell in the outfield and a very good outfielder is more appealing to a coach than average to good 2nd baseman!

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Jun 11, 2015
Yes havoc. Thats what I meant when I wrote "lefties playing anywhere but 1st (for obvious reasons)." Ive coached since I was 19. 1st team was 15-16 yearold boys, that was a lot of fun. Its fun running into the guys 17 years later and reliving some of the memories.

Rise- you might beable to get a bunt down but you wont get a hard ground ball past her! :p
Jul 19, 2014
Madison, WI
Part of the problem is lots of girls consider OF to be second rate positions. The thinking is the best fielders wind up SS, 2B and 3B, while the dregs go to the outfield.

The truth of the matter: good coaches will often put a really good fielder with a strong arm in CF. For example, DD 3 is fast, has a strong arm, and is one of the best fielders on her team, if not THE best. She usually plays P or SS, but will often play 3B or CF, because her arm is strong. One time she saved a run in a close game by throwing from the outfield to the catcher. Actually, the ball went over the catcher's head and hit the backstop, but that kept the other team from sending a runner. In HS and college games I've seen plays at CF that turned possible extra-base hits into outs.

If your DD's coach is smart, he knows CF is an important position, which is why your DD is there. Consider it to be quite an honor.

That being said, some of the trickier infield positions take a LOT of work to learn. Perhaps she should ask the coach about LEARNING the other positions, and to sometimes play those positions in practices, friendlies or garbage time to prove she has caught on.

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