One-Way Communication Devices for Catchers (NFHS)

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Jun 6, 2016
With the new rule permitting one-way communication devices from coaches to catchers, I'm looking into different options.

I've seen some RF earpiece options. I think a smartwatch is another possibility, though I don't really know if that's a great idea (it can easily get damaged and possibly cause injury).

What's everybody planning to use? What have you seen out there?

SportsCom is pretty expensive ($425 annual subscription).

I see plenty of apps (some designed for earbuds, others for watches). Anybody got reviews of any?
Aug 1, 2019
I go back and forth. Hand signs are just as silent and you can communicate to more than just your catcher. Guess I'd have to try out a system first. Maybe starting with a cheap app will give you an idea what you would like to see in your communications then seek out the more expensive option that will give you what you want.
Jun 6, 2016
I go back and forth. Hand signs are just as silent and you can communicate to more than just your catcher. Guess I'd have to try out a system first. Maybe starting with a cheap app will give you an idea what you would like to see in your communications then seek out the more expensive option that will give you what you want.

I know how I would use it: pitch calls and certain defensive calls, which I'd prefer my catcher relay to the team anyway. Mainly pitch calls though.

Currently, I just flash signs to the catcher. Occasionally I'll look right at the pitcher and flash something if I want to directly ask her about throwing a pitch in a specific situation. It works, but sometimes we're at fields where I don't have good sightlines to the catcher.

There are also times I'd like to be able to quickly communicate something atypical. A quick "Missing outside?" and she looks at me and nods would be helpful mid-inning.

Maybe the biggest one would be conveying pickoffs. We're working on signals for those, but I do think this could get the job done easier.

I'm sure there are some other good uses I haven't thought of yet.
May 29, 2015
I’ll have to go re-read the rule (read: I may be wrong on this), but I thought smart watches were not allowed (because they can be two-way communication).

I know baseball added this last year, but I haven’t encountered any teams using it in my area.
Jun 6, 2016
I’ll have to go re-read the rule (read: I may be wrong on this), but I thought smart watches were not allowed (because they can be two-way communication).

I know baseball added this last year, but I haven’t encountered any teams using it in my area.

I don't see anything here that says no to smart watches, but maybe that clarification is elsewhere.

Could it be as simple as an umpire just watching the catcher to make sure she's not sending messages back?
May 29, 2015
Apparently it is just that simple . . .

Accommodating one-way communication to the catcher brought new language to two different sections of the NFHS Softball Rules Book, starting with Rule 1-8-6. Devices such as earpieces, electronic bands and smartwatches are now permitted as an EXCEPTION within the rule provided the player does not utilize said device to return correspondence to the coaching staff. Since both rules were updated for this change, the penalty from Rule 3-6-11 was added to Rule 1-8-6 as well, with violators subject to ejection unless the offense is ruled to be of a minor nature.

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