Okay, giving a another kid a smile that deserves it...part whatever :)

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Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
I try to do this when I can and I need DFP help yet again, this is make a kid smile part 5, 6, or 7...whatever it is.

I am looking to brighten up a great softball kid's day a little. A girl that her parents/parent cant afford much and maybe going thru some hard times or have been thru hard times. A girl that has an awesome personality even though her life isn't perfect. A kid that really deserves a smile and loves to play softball. Someone who is swinging a cheapy bat or doesnt have one at all but is really trying and working hard no matter what hand
she and her family have been dealt.

Please PM me if you know a girl like this and lets chat. Some members on here have done very well with VERY deserving girls. This has been very fun to do.

And PLEASE be honest...no fake stuff as I am trying to help a great kid smile who might need one, not somebody faking to get something free.

Pm me
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Wilson = Evil Empire
DFP Vendor
Dec 27, 2012
Kunkletown, PA
Nah, just like doing something for others and this is the easiest way for me to give back, as I have
the means to do so with the side business I chose to be involved in.

The world has become such a me, me , me place and too many forget about kids who really
could use some happiness in their lives to break up the issues they may have going on. Some kids
don't get the opportunity to enjoy something done just for them or to receive something just for them as
they aren't in the situation to do so. They may have been forced out of need to always think about
the family first and their life takes a backseat every day to what "has" to be done.

Softball could be the break the kid gets from life, their release, and maybe making softball a little more fun keeps
her going to push thru everything else.

Im not a dreamer, I know what I am doing isn't solving the world or helping every kid that has it rough that
needs it. But even if just making one feel better is one more than zero if I didn't do it.

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