obstruction at 3B?

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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
I saw an obstruction at 3B last night by a HS player that wasn't called.
so I'm wondering, what is the correct positioning for the 3B receiving a throw from IF?
what about OF?

this 3B stood in the baseline blocking the path to the base waiting for the throw, forcing the runner out around her. I have seen 3B get spiked for doing this. where the umpire didn't call it, I would be inclined to have the BR "stretch her out".

what is the correct positioning for the 3B receiving the throw?


Jun 22, 2008
I saw an obstruction at 3B last night by a HS player that wasn't called.
so I'm wondering, what is the correct positioning for the 3B receiving a throw from IF?
what about OF?

this 3B stood in the baseline blocking the path to the base waiting for the throw, forcing the runner out around her. I have seen 3B get spiked for doing this. where the umpire didn't call it, I would be inclined to have the BR "stretch her out".

what is the correct positioning for the 3B receiving the throw?

IMO, away from the base and a possible base path in the direction from which the throw is coming.

Intentionally running over a defender, obstructing or not, is just stupid and may cost a possible obstruction call and very possible cause an ejection.
Sep 29, 2014
I just don't see any reason for 3B to block the base path; the most common occurrence might be runner at 2B (with runner at first force is on) ball hit to SS not playing very deep a basically stretching out to catch ball. In this case 3B usually tries to find the outfield side or corner of the bag and runner will just slide hard to the infield half of the bag, but inexperience or sometimes a bad throw can cause problems; anywhere else on the infield and the fielder should be inside the base path with the runners usually slightly outside, but again angles and throw can cause weird things to happen. The other issue is always throws from RF or CF they are pretty difficult as the ball is sometimes coming from right behind the runner, in these cases it depends on angle of runner and the throw and can be a last second decision (thrower should be aiming for bag so no decision on their part); you can see how a slow ball down the right field line with runner on first, is going to be a much different angle than left center with runner halfway holding in case there is a catch. Usually treat it like a play at home (except at home you step in front of the plate) if you need to apply tag pick the side of the bag you think the throw will come receive the throw and close off the base once you have the ball, if it's a force stretch towards the throw as much as possible, using good technique of not actually stretching until you know where the ball is going. Some might recommend straddling until you can see which side the throw is coming which I'm OK with but usually you end up on on side or the other.
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