No Pitching ?

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Jun 18, 2013
Don't worry too much. I am coaching my DDs 10U rec team. We have 4 teams in our league. We didn't get to do evaluations on the girls because of weather before the draft and the girl that I planned to draft to pitch for me, besides my DD, got snagged out from under me when they asked her dad to coach too. This is the first year that my daughter and her have not played on the same team in their lives. She is the best pitcher in the league by far, but his team is 0-3 because they have no defense behind her and no bats to speak of. I am 0-3 because I have 2 legit ball players, my DD and one of my AC's DD, 2 girls that are close and 7 that are trying to figure it out.

On 4 teams, we have 1 really good pitcher, 3 good pitchers that could be really good with work/lessons, and one girl that can get it around the plate. I have 2 of the good ones, but one is my DD and she would rather play catcher so we are going to focus on that since she is more naturally gifted there and the other is my AC's DD who is a much more natural IF and doesn't really enjoy the pressure of the circle yet. So, I have 2 girls that can pitch but don't want to, 2 girls who can't pitch very well but do want to, and several more who can't pitch at all but really want to. I just warned my parents that we would be playing a lot of 5 run innings and that if I heard negativity coming from the stands that I would get very aggravated about it.
Dec 27, 2014
I like reading other posters Issues then ours do not seem so bad. :)

DD 10u rec team has ten players. Three that can catch and throw, two that are improving and five that are first year players but are too old for 8u. Safety is a huge concern as they have not learned the focus it takes to be aware of the ball in play and mitt skills are like they just started...because they did. I have had first timers before that were good but they came in having some experience of playing with dad or siblings. Not these five.

First day of practice we had one pitcher - DD. After asking the team for volunteers, I was able to recruit one of my top three to try pitching. She has picked it up very quickly. Much of our competition is new as well, with similar mid 20's, for speed, in a step and throw push. No one else was interested. These kids are so new to the game they are just trying to get through the season that their parents pushed them into. We have a few weeks before the schedule hits 3 games a week for a bit. I will need another pitcher so my first two do not exceed max innings per week. After a few weeks of practice I now have a couple more that are giving it a whirl and a couple more thinking about it. But it could get really ugly if I have to use any in a game...remembering back to 8u last year...:)
Sep 11, 2014
My league that I am the 14u/16u Commissioner for noticed we are having very few pitchers coming up in the divisions. It was very apparent when this year, almost all of the teams in my division were saying that they were losing their pitchers and need to draft some, and there were NONE. We knew this was a problem in the 12u and under division earlier. To help with this, a couple of the managers volunteered to put on a free pitching clinic for the league. 8u all the way up to 16u. We also have a few local travel team managers helping. It is working great. We normally have about 30-35 kids, with most of them from the younger age groups. We are already starting to see an improvement in the pitching in the 10u division which is when they start kid pitch for my league. We hold the clinic every Sunday and give the kids homework before they leave. Maybe your league can try something like this to help groom some more pitchers. Ours is free, just so we can maximize the turn out.
Apr 22, 2015
Pitching has been a problem in our area for quite a while. We (10U team) are starting from scratch with about 4 girls.
Nightmare so far except for one game where other team would swing at everything. We have recorded exactly 1 out in the field in 3 games. On that play the pitcher could have got a triple play... but ran everywhere except to 3rd where she could have got the girl off third. She had ran all the way to home and didn't know what her coach was telling (yelling at) her. Funny.

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