New trick play

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May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
The "runner falling down with coach screaming" is theatrical...the coach and runner are acting, so, by definition, it is theater.

If that is OK, why not take it a step further and have the coach fake a heart attack? An AC could run on the field and perform CPR as the base runners score. Or, how about the 1B coach yelling that there is a bomb threat and everyone has to leave the field? Is that OK?
Mar 28, 2013

Don't mind the occasional trick Play. I do have to say The only thing that feels better than
pulling off a trick play is nailing a runner trying to pull one on you. I call out to our fans "we are not falling for the ole banana in the tail pipe trick";)
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
If you want to see the gold standard of decorum and sanctity of the game check out the view when ESPN goes to a wide shot of the dugout when a team is down by 3 runs in the last inning.
Feb 18, 2014
The "runner falling down with coach screaming" is theatrical...the coach and runner are acting, so, by definition, it is theater.

If that is OK, why not take it a step further and have the coach fake a heart attack? An AC could run on the field and perform CPR as the base runners score. Or, how about the 1B coach yelling that there is a bomb threat and everyone has to leave the field? Is that OK?

How about the coach loudly saying "ball 4, take your base" moving the runners as the batter jogs to first. And when corrected that it was ball three, sends the batter back to the box and leaves the runners where they are?

Guy was a prick.
Feb 7, 2013
If you want to see the gold standard of decorum and sanctity of the game check out the view when ESPN goes to a wide shot of the dugout when a team is down by 3 runs in the last inning.

You can't possibly be comparing teammates wearing makeshift rally caps in the dugout not on the field of play as the same as asking a baserunner to purposely fall down to get caught in a pickle, the same are you? Normally your arguments are more articulate and well thought out than this....
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
You can't possibly be comparing teammates wearing makeshift rally caps in the dugout not on the field of play as the same as asking a baserunner to purposely fall down to get caught in a pickle, the same are you? Normally your arguments are more articulate and well thought out than this....

I was actually referring to superhero masks and capes, clown noses, and other apparel.
Dec 5, 2012
Mid West
When I have a runner at 3, I'll only say one of two things to her. It's either SCORE or its BACK....
There is never any confusion there, however I will on occasion tell my runner GO, GO, GO if the batted ball stays in the infield (she knows to actually stay put).... this will almost always get a throw home rather than 1st. My runner will go straight to second on this play, and there is seldom a throw to second. If they do throw and it's not cut by the second baseman, runner at 3 will score.
That's about as tricky as it gets for my teams