Need from DFP help...our org looking to join one of the bigger orgs

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Dec 2, 2013
Seriously have done all that already and it is progressing well.

However long term doesn't help if we end up short 2 of the 'right' players and can't put the team on the field this year because they went 'name brand' and didn't even consider us because we weren't, and we lose 2 for basically the same reason. Being a great org 5 years down the track doesn't help the parents who are looking for 'right now'

I understand the board's decision - they are not just looking for an easy way out and have been putting in the hard yards.

You will always lose a few to the named organizations and if you lose only 2 kids that is a blessing. But if you can't field a team because you lose only 2 players that is a huge problem. Many kids team hop and that is the normal ebb and flow of TB, and you can't keep them all. Last year this time, we were in a large very well known org. and we were in loop. We were the feeder team into the 16/18. We even practiced together on the same fields. Guess what happened this time last year? No one came back to tryouts. The "team manager" didn't do a very good job of communicating to the parents the plan moving forward and so the core of the team scattered. We had to find somewhere else to play and the team was no more.

Let me give you an example of what Can happen. There is a local organization that has only been around a few years but they are making some big noise nationally. They have a coach that broke away from another large well known organization and started her own gig. They have some of the best players in the area and those kids are getting committed! How are they doing it? From the outside it looks like they started with one coach who brought with her some key people and key players to build around. Other very good teams have joined up with them recently. The name of the team is a somewhat familiar name to people who live in Arizona, but I don't even think there is any affiliation. Locally, it's just another name not your household big time org, but after only a few years, it carries weight. My point is just because you change your name, doesn't necessarily mean it will better the program. Why not keep your name and just get better? Work with someone locally that is well respected in the softball community that has ties to college programs. I know it's hard work and stressful. Many DFP'ers have been there done that. That's why you are here for support. Keep up the good fight, and do your due diligence. It will all work out. If not, you have to do what is best for your family. PM coming.
Jun 11, 2012
I wouldn't do it. One of the big name organizations up here has 7 18U teams. By the time you get to team 3 or 4 the talent is pretty watered down. DD plays for a stand alone team that is really good, we might not get the best fields at the showcases but we have had no problem getting coaches to come watch the girls play and have a number of them either recruited or well on their way.
Matter of fact last year we had 6 players (my DD included) who had left the big name organization to come play for a team with no drama and no politics. Best season she's ever had, she earned her playing time and spot in the batting order and didn't have to worry about losing it to some player who's parents threw a fit and threatened to quit over something ridiculous.
Feb 3, 2011
Parents want to go the 'big name' - and that may be dumb on some levels, but that is what they are doing - and while we could maybe develop our own big name over time, we don't really have that on our side. Associating ourselves with a big name is the way they want to address it and they have asked me to go and find out what options there are to see if there is something that will make sense.

But we are being gutted anyway by the big orgs already
Parents will make whatever decision they think is best - we don't 'own' any of the kids no matter how long they have been with the organization. Offering another thing these parents want is not the worst idea.

. Being a great org 5 years down the track doesn't help the parents who are looking for 'right now'.

Speaking as a lifelong anti-establishmentarian, you and your group have done and are doing the right thing, Marriard.

My comments are for those advising otherwise. I get it, I absolutely do. But we're consistently hearing directly from major program coaches "we have relationships with the more prominent TB organizations". This is not only in their verbal statements that we're hearing firsthand, but we can also SEE the evidence of this just by looking at their rosters. Many parents are concerned about the arms race and many of us - intentionally or not - pass that on to our kids.

This mindset and behavior is reinforced when certain successes or goals are reached and (much of) our society praises Kevin Durant for jumping ship to join a better team.

Based on what I've gathered over the years, camps are still #1 for identifying prospects, but being connected to the right organization and tied into that network is very high on the list of "things I can do to help my student-athlete with this very stressful process". I LOVE stories of the small-town boy/girl making good and achieving tremendous success, but in this corporatist climate we live in, not everyone has the option to remain an island unto themselves....we have to join 'em in order to get to those next levels and geography often plays a significant part in this new reality.

As much as I'd love to see the small, upstart org fight the system and win, we (the royal version) don't have the luxury of playing with other people's kids' time in order to satisfy our own egos. We can talk about determination and perseverance and winning against all odds, but at the end of the day, there's an element of ego involved (be honest!) and ultimately, that's not being as fair as we COULD be to the players we're charged with helping to the best of our abilities.

To Marriard: I don't have the answer to your question, but anecdotally can tell you that - as an organization - the Gold Coast Hurricanes players I saw got a LOT of attention this summer at the 2 major program camps I attended, 1 east coast, 1 west coast.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
I wouldn't do it. One of the big name organizations up here has 7 18U teams.

That isn't a problem here - the big names don't have any teams in this area - only the new entrant. So yeah, it might be watered down nationally or in some geographies, but it is open market here.

For whatever reason, despite this area being a really hot softball area, the big national names have not had the presence.

Locally we have:
- One big dog locally that is well known nationally (but is 99% here only)
- One ex-big dog that has died down
- One big dog that is dying because the founder took a HC coach job at a local D1 college
- New 'brand name'

Because of location, we struggle to get the attention of a big % of players who are switching teams. It is not a big drive to get to our park, but 25 minutes is longer than 10-15 minutes (and it can feel longer) so it is a bigger deal when players leave than it may be for others. The org has worked hard to make sure we retain what we can and attract more and more of the players on the open market and our coaches do a good job of recruiting but you can see why they are reacting.
Jul 16, 2008
I wouldn't do it. One of the big name organizations up here has 7 18U teams. By the time you get to team 3 or 4 the talent is pretty watered down.
This is starting to happen in my area as well, they will take the kids $$$ and place them on their lower team hanging the carrot of getting on the "Gold" team in front of them. Funny thing is none of the local Gold teams can compete on the National Level. Last year we had 25-30 kids at each tryout, last night 6. I'm hoping it was just because it was early we'll see next week. 3 of the 6 said they were going to the big name Org tryouts.... OK
Apr 26, 2015
I'm just a parent...but I was actually really bummed when our coach joined a big name org. DD played for a very well known/highly respected organization in our area but the HC was lured by the big name national org. Many of the local teams in our area are joining bigger national clubs and I think HC didn't want to be left behind so he jumped too. We had already committed to the team and the team itself didn't change. I would just rather have stayed with the other org.

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