NCAA 'PSA' College Sports Ads Make me Mad

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
NCAA pushing the whole college sports integrity BS again....

Using Billie Jean King (never played college sports) & Shaq (played one year)

Absolutely hate the line "playing sports free of the pressures and all the money talk".

And they probably paid these people to be in the ads, and the people who made the ads and the musicians who made the music and everyone else...

But the athletes they make their $$$ on the back of.... Yeah, *#*@!*#( them. Don't let them get a illegible meal paid for...

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Just fer reference.... and remember in basketball you are on a FULL scholarship. Not every sport is that lucky...

"Some nights I go to bed starving"/"There are hungry nights"

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Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Shaq's ad ends with :NCAA: Prioritizing Academics, Well-being and Fairness"

What a load of complete BS.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
NCAA and integrity are mutually exclusive. Almost as bad as IOC and integrity. Which is one of the reasons I just cannot get that excited about softball returning to the Olympics.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Shaq's ad ends with :NCAA: Prioritizing Academics, Well-being and Fairness"

What a load of complete BS.

Yeah. I saw that and thought to myself, 'As long as the student-athletes want to major in Underwater Basket-Weaving or some other mostly useless degree that's easily attained, as long as the player doesn't get injured during their sports career then it's fair for the school to maintain the athletic scholarship. Otherwise, it's fair for them to take it away upon career ending injury even though they'll pay for the surgery to correct the problem.'

ETA: Sorry, I'm just a born cynic and in a foul mood this morning.
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Nov 26, 2010
Just fer reference.... and remember in basketball you are on a FULL scholarship. Not every sport is that lucky...

"Some nights I go to bed starving"/"There are hungry nights"

Full scholarship athletes are given a dorm and a meal plan. Many/most chose to not take the dorm and the meal plan and take the money for their living expenses off campus. If they don't have enough to eat its their own fault. They could live on campus (with the extra scrutiny that comes with) and eat plenty. Or they can do like my son did and live off campus and carefully select the food he bought and cook it themselves.


Not lost - just no idea where I am
Oct 2, 2011
Full scholarship athletes are given a dorm and a meal plan. Many/most chose to not take the dorm and the meal plan and take the money for their living expenses off campus. If they don't have enough to eat its their own fault. They could live on campus (with the extra scrutiny that comes with) and eat plenty. Or they can do like my son did and live off campus and carefully select the food he bought and cook it themselves.

3 of my 4 years we really couldn't use the meal plan consistently at my university because of practice, team activities (both mandatory and 'optional', game schedules and actually going to class. So yeah, there were hungry nights. That does not seem to be all that uncommon much talking to a lot of current players. And even the meal plans only go to full scholarship players - walkons (which are required for all teams to field a team) and sports with partials don't even get that.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Recently, we have visited 7 colleges and universities within a 3-4 hour drive from home. Every single one of the coaches that gave us the campus tour showed us the on campus (student union, rec hall) cafeteria, sandwich shops, coffee shops (that served salads and sandwiches) etc. and made a point to let us know that one of them was always open until 11 p.m. They also made sure we knew that they all accepted the meal plan as payment so that there was no reason whatsoever for DD to go to bed hungry. Maybe this isn't common in a vast majority of colleges but it's certainly a movement that has picked up speed around my area.
Aug 24, 2011
Don't disagree with your point but Shaq played three years of college basketball and has an earned doctorate.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
The stuff in the NCAA ads is correct as to D2 and D3 athletics. The kids really play simply because they love the game.

But, as to D1 athletics, it is all about the dollar.

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