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Aug 21, 2008
Boston, MA
The coach is reprimanding DD for not hitting off her back foot. telling her to squish the bug, do some damn thing where "mike meets Ike" that has to do with her leaning over the plate when she swings, line up knocking knuckles, roll the wrists at contact "like they do in the big leagues". It would be laughable, but it's messing her up. she's trying to do the right thing and look like she's doing as she is told but it took a good hour of BP today with her TB coach to unscrew her.

the Pitching coach (who has no qualifications) is messing with her release. I'm tempted to tell them she doesn't pitch any more (she's doing fine at CF and SS) as I don't want her moving backward.

so far its still funny, but that will disappear quickly if she develops problems...

I'm telling her to ask why and explain that it is contrary to what her pitching/hitting coach is instructing. Part of the problem is DD is unable to carry on a conversation. she doesn't know the difference between:
a) asking if she can throw more types of pitches (answer: No)
b) asking why he only wants her to throw one kind of pitch (Answer: because I want to see x...)

any idears or recommendations?
Jul 10, 2014
C-bus Ohio
Compromise - let the HS coaches know that she has private coaches, and if they want something worked on you will get with the private coaches to address their concerns.

No idea if that's realistic, TBH. As a coach, I would appreciate one less thing to worry about, but some folks can't stand a challenge to their authority...
Jan 27, 2010
I feel your pain. I have exiled myself to the OF half expecting I'll be told I am not allowed to attend any athletic events at DDs school. Sometimes when watching bad coaching it's very difficult to keep quiet.
Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
Do what I did and spend the $50 on Bob Tewksbury's hitting ebook on the Elite swing then send the HS team hitting coach the link. He might actually look at it and learn something. Of course you might want to send it anonomously:rolleyes:
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Jun 18, 2012
It won't have any effect. You'd do better to go out and discuss it with a fence post. She'll likely just have to learn to ignore bad advice.
Oct 22, 2009
If it is that bad, run track. It's not worth the headache, and your DD will benefit from additional training that is moving her forward, not backward.
Nov 29, 2009
If it is that bad, run track. It's not worth the headache, and your DD will benefit from additional training that is moving her forward, not backward.

Or you can do what a lot of girls are doing from my area. They have a spring team made up of HS girls who are not playing HS ball for multiple reasons. Last year they had 70 girls. This year they have 50.

They play double headers each weekend and travel to Iowa and play in tournaments there a couple of times during the spring. It gives them options if they don't make the HS team or do not want to play for their HS team for whatever reason.

If it's that bad in your area you may be able to find enough players to form a couple of teams.
Nov 29, 2009
One of the girls I work with has a HS coach who is a "Pitching Coach" as well. He teaches Hello Elbow. He immediately tried to change the way the girl pitched. She told him she has a pitching coach and that she doesn't want to change anything. As you can guess. One of the other pitchers on the team is one of his girls. So you know how the rest goes....

She was telling me he pulled out his RevFire during one of the preseason practices. She hit 19 consistently on her riseball spin rate, and it's still a work in progress. The other girl could only hit 13 a couple of times. The RevFire never came out again after that.

They played a DH today. Mom texted me and said she got to pitch 2 innings in the last game. After 5 K's in row the coach started calling FB down the middle. The catcher and her are smart enough to ignore that stupidity. The both play travel on good teams and they know better that that. They start calling their own game when he does that. They got the last girl to fly out to RF.

I always tell my pitchers to never feel bad about making a team look bad. It is not their responsibility to make them feel good. It is their job to do their best for themselves and more importantly, their teammates. It's the other coach's duty to raise the performance of the other team. If the other team was hitting the cover off of the the ball they would not feel bad for her.
Jun 18, 2012
He teaches Hello Elbow. He immediately tried to change the way the girl pitched.

Where does this guy get off thinking he is her pitching coach because he's her coach (and he's a pitching coach)? The response should be, "Thanks, but I already have a pitching coach, but I'm definitely open for help in playing this other position."

A pitcher should choose her own pitching coach. It's not something for a team coach to decide.
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