Improving the Game??????????

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
On a private website I've been discussing the topic of how to improve the game of fastpitch and argued that the game is fine as demonstrated by the number of girls playing and the number of viewers following collegiate softball on TV. However, I do have one recommendation to improve the game.

I will list my ONE improvement and then, everyone else list your ONE improvement. ONLY ONE! Sure you can argue your point or other points later but I want you to distill your choices down to one.

Here goes mine:

Move the collegiate fences back to 200' down the line, 215' to the power gaps and 225' to center field.

Your turn and don't be a hater because I set limits. LOL!
Oct 11, 2010
Chicago, IL
Which pitching rule would I like to get rid of most?

I am going with both feet must be in contact with the pitching plate and go forward.
Feb 17, 2014
Orlando, FL
Allow the signing of an NLI in November of a prospects first year of High School. That should bring an end to the early verbal nonsense. :)
Jun 27, 2011
North Carolina
Move the collegiate fences back to 200' down the line, 215' to the power gaps and 225' to center field.

Would be interesting to see the effects. You'd have fewer HR, but you'd probably have more singles, since the outfielders would have to play deeper. Aside from cheap home runs, I think a lot of solid line drives are caught in college because of the small fields and the fact that by the time the players are college age, they can cover that small grass area pretty well.
May 7, 2008
Get rid of the time limits. Play 5 innings, if the game is too long. But, the time limits are causing more problems than they are solving.
Jun 7, 2015
Change the HBP rule. Entirely too many HBPs in college this year for whatever reason. They don't have to move, but if they get hit, it's a ball on the count instead of a bag. Guarantee that will change things.

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Ex "Expert"
Feb 25, 2009
Would be interesting to see the effects. You'd have fewer HR, but you'd probably have more singles, since the outfielders would have to play deeper. Aside from cheap home runs, I think a lot of solid line drives are caught in college because of the small fields and the fact that by the time the players are college age, they can cover that small grass area pretty well.
BB's college team expanded their field and they hit more home runs. LOL

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