HS coaches say they like multi-sport athletes but......

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Apr 25, 2019
I'll start by saying that this is only my opinion but......high school coaches say that they like multi sport athletes, but do they really?

Case in point. My DD just finished up her volleyball season. She is a sophomore and plays primarily on JV. She's tall and athletic but never played organized volleyball until her 8th grade year. Even then, her organized volleyball was only school ball. No club or anything like that. She plays for fun and for school pride. Welp, the volleyball coach makes it extremely hard for my DD to continue doing that. The volleyball coach knows that my DD plays high level travel ball and was one of 2 freshmen on the varsity softball team last year. At the beginning of the season, my DD was very transparent in the fact that there would be some weekends that she would not be able to play due to tournaments, camps, organizational practices, etc. At the time, it was "oh, no problem. We will work around that. Thanks for letting me know." Throughout the season, was a very different attitude. My DD was attending an SEC camp and was going to miss a JV volleyball round robin. My DD reminded the coach of the camp a week ahead of time. Well usually, the team gets Fridays off from practice. This particular Friday, the coach called a practice because, "I gotta find a new JV middle blocker because (insert DD"s name here) is going to a softball camp during MY volleyball season." Needless to say, a few girls got pissed but the majority were fine because they know that my DD is looking to play softball at the D1 level.

Fast forward a few weeks, volleyball practice was cancelled so my DD used that time to take a few cuts with some of her softball teammates. Well after that BP, my DD was riding with a friend and got into a little fender bender doing about 10 mph. Even at that low speed, my DD was exhibiting some concussion symptoms and the trainers did not want her playing for a few days. The coach found out that my DD was practicing softball and when the trainer told my DD not to play, the coach makes a comment along the lines of, "well maybe if you weren't practicing softball during MY season, this accident wouldn't have happened." Like....huh??? Even after my DD was cleared to play again, if practice was cancelled for a day, the coach would make it a point to tell the girls that they were not to do anything but rest and were not allowed to practice any other sport.

My DD's travel team was playing the PGF Show Me The Money a couple of weekends ago and had to miss a JV tournament that weekend and was benched the following game. Funny part was, she was not told that she was benched until it was her turn to rotate into the game. 8 minutes had already been played in the game BEFORE she knew she was benched. She stands up to rotate in and was told to sit back down and that she was not playing. It was an away game and I had to hustle to get to the game ontime only to learn that she was not playing.

Another instance, my DD missed a test due to a doctors appointment. Well, her 7th hour PE period is with her volleyball teammates and it was a Friday where they did not have practice afterwards. They were hanging out in the locker room until they could be dismissed. No practice, no drills, no lifting, nothing. Well my DD asked if she could go do a make up test and was asked by the coach, "Is this the last time my season is going to be interrupted?"

My DD wants to continue to play volleyball but being a 2025 grad, this is a critical year for her. She WILL be busy almost every weekend. At this point, she is so frustrated that she may quit and go run cross country instead. I don't know. I'm sure not every coach is like this but man, it makes it tough. We want to be open and transparent but we get retaliatory responses and actions in return. I get that these coaches have a program to run and that they are trying to win but don't talk out of both sides of your mouth when it comes to multi sport athletes. You like multi-sport athletes, but only as long as they stick to their respective school ball seasons. Got it.

End rant

TLDR....DD plays volleyball for her HS but despite being transparent about her softball schedule gets snide comments and retaliatory actions against her.
Feb 6, 2020
From my experience at least, most coaches have no problem with multi sport athletes but they do typically expect that their sport should be the priority during the season. I really wouldn't blame them if they felt this way either. If this was going to be the case though, the coach should have been up front about it and not lead you to believe that it was no problem. Really strange passive aggressive behavior from the coach no matter how you look at it though.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I've never heard a HS coach say they like multi-sport athletes, especially when seasons overlap. Kids getting the short end because they have to prioritize one thing over another is nothing new. A friend of DD's was "invited" to practice with the varsity softball team as an 8th-grader. However, practice began during the HS 6th hour when the kid was still in class at a middle school several miles away. The coach couldn't seem to get it through his thick head why she was late every day.
Dec 15, 2018
On the plus side, you have a JV sport coach who actually seems to care about their sport.

The primary red flag in the whole story is the part about giving crap about the makeup test. That's not cool.
Jul 16, 2013
I've never heard a HS coach say they like multi-sport athletes, especially when seasons overlap. Kids getting the short end because they have to prioritize one thing over another is nothing new. A friend of DD's was "invited" to practice with the varsity softball team as an 8th-grader. However, practice began during the HS 6th hour when the kid was still in class at a middle school several miles away. The coach couldn't seem to get it through his thick head why she was late every day.
I have never heard a high school coach say that either. I have heard a few college coaches say it, but it is more a political thing than reality. In truth, college coaches prefer athletes... Sometimes multi-sport athletes are more athletic than those that specialize.

Most high school coaches I know are fine with multi-sport athletes as long as there are no conflicts between those sports. The overlap is where things get fuzzy. It can also become difficult when the sport holds "optional" practices in the off-season while those athletes are in other sports.
Jun 8, 2016
Unless the coach is a moron or a narcissist they are not going to risk ostracizing one of their top 2 or 3 players to the point where they lose access to them. That’s life..those with special talent get special privileges..the other 95% are expendable.


Allergic to BS
Nov 14, 2014
I have never heard a high school coach say that either. I have heard a few college coaches say it, but it is more a political thing than reality. In truth, college coaches prefer athletes... Sometimes multi-sport athletes are more athletic than those that specialize.

A college coach has good reason to like that seeing as there aren't many multi-sport college athletes these days.
Dec 2, 2013
Same exact situation: DD played JV basketball as freshman. Who doesn't want an aggressive 5'10" player? We had a meeting with the HC telling her pretty much the same thing you told the volleyball coach. And the coach said sounds great!! DD was playing in a softball tourney on a Sat and the schedule worked out that she could meet the team at the gym (away game) for bball pre season tourney. Coach tells her not to worry about it. She didn't go to the bball game. By the way DD practiced with the basketball program July and August too. She was looking forward to it.

Next game they are playing their rivals and DD is sitting on the bench and gives me the IDK what the F is going on shrug. She doesn't play and the team loses. DD was pissed. Coach did not even acknowledge her. When she came home I told her to ask the coach what she needs to do to play. The coach says You don't know the plays. What?! DD writes down all the plays and hands it to the coach. He says okay thanks. What BS.

The coach also yelled at her during the middle of a game. The opposing ball handler was wasting time on the clock and the coach (marble mouth) is yelling something at her Stick, Stick and the rest I couldn't understand. DD goes to attack the handler and the coach loses his mind. Athletic Director was there and he made sure to apologize to me for his behavior.

End of the season, when DD was handing back her shoes, the HC says these shoes will be right waiting for you next season. Uh No effing Way I'm coming back to this Sh&t show!!! It really was too bad because I liked watching her play bball.

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