HS Ball: Valid Excuses for Missing Games/Practices

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Aug 13, 2013
Does anyone else find it ironic that high schools have a mandatory attendance policy for their 3 hour, 5-6 day/week, "closed" practices while TB has a "be there if you can", 2 hour, 2-3 times/week, open practice?
My practices are wide open..come watch your daughter practice at any time! maybe she will play harder knowing you are watching and then wondering why she doesn't start (but that's another topic)
Jun 18, 2012
Excuses that are acceptable in HS ball??? It depends on whether or not you're a favorite of the coaching staff. Helps you if your dad is in the coaching staff. Most of the time, that's what it really boils down to.

Yup, there is often a lot of nonsense in this regard. Feel fortunate if you are in a program where all players are really treated equally in terms of what constitutes "valid excuses."
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Oct 3, 2011
Right Here For Now
DD requested and received permission to miss part of practice for her Driving test, though she managed to get there in time anyway.
I'm not proud of it, but rescheduling for 5-8 weeks out would just as likely have put us right back in the same position. The DMV always wins.

DD asked to take two consecutive Monday nights off from practice to attend the classroom time necessary to get her DL. The coach told her it would be an unexcused absence so she opted to wait until TB season started 3 months later. We came to find out by a friend that she can do it on-line so that's what she did and taking the actual driving hours on days off during the weekend.
Feb 15, 2013
Every reason is a good reason to miss School Ball just don't complain when you're on the bench. Same goes for TB, you don't practice you don't play.

While you may pay money for TB that is for a roster spot not playing time. You have to put the work in to see the field.
Mar 20, 2014
I agree with most of the "excused absences". However I do feel strongly that there still should be consequences. If you miss the first 5 games (and a bunch of practices) of the season for "excused" activities then you should not be just moved right back in to the line up on your return.
Mar 4, 2015
New England
My daughter on JV missed a practice about a month ago because she woke up with a fever and missed school.

The next day they had a game and she sat out the first 3 innings. I was mad a first because she had practiced on her own on Sunday when probably nobody else did and practices more than almost everybody else, so why punish somebody for being sick. But looking back on it, it was fair. Even my daughter said that if they had let her play the whole game it would have sent the message that it is OK to miss practice.
Jul 16, 2013
My daughter on JV missed a practice about a month ago because she woke up with a fever and missed school.

The next day they had a game and she sat out the first 3 innings. I was mad a first because she had practiced on her own on Sunday when probably nobody else did and practices more than almost everybody else, so why punish somebody for being sick. But looking back on it, it was fair. Even my daughter said that if they had let her play the whole game it would have sent the message that it is OK to miss practice.

DDs high school provided all parents with a list of their rules. I am not sure how many come from the state and how many are simply school rules, but either way we know what they are. They are distributed by the AD and are the same for all sports at our school. If you miss school (sick or otherwise), you are not permitted to participate in sports on that day (practice or games). If you miss practice on the day before a game, you are not permitted to start at the varsity level for that game. There are also very specific rules concerning grades and playing time. So, if your DD played at our school, the coach acted appropriately.

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