How to work on the mental game?

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Apr 22, 2015
Have you thought about giving them a quiz? Last year I created 3 different multiple choice 10 question quizzes. I did rules and situations, both offensive and defensive.

I would hand them out after practice and then at the beginning of next practice gather them and look though them while they were warming up. After a look through I would ask the questions to the team and make sure we got the correct response for everyone to hear.

I'm not saying this replaces more practice / experience but it's another way to get information to the kids.

Do you still have the quiz by chance? I want to get the girls to constantly think about what reaction to the hit will be defensively before the pitch is delivered. What coverage possibilities they will be in according to the placement of the hit and the runners locations/current outs.

We have some talented athletic girls who have been playing for years that rely far too much on athletic ability who could be deadly if they could have the play in their head before the pitch is made. Meanwhile we have some girls with little experience that are great students and want to learn so the quiz idea is a great tool IMO.

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