How to work on the mental game?

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Dec 6, 2010
Asst. Coach for a local high school. Allthough we do not have any girls that compete in travel ball teams, even though our record doesn't indicate it (0-11) we are beginning to compete on the athletic part of the game. Where we are having a problem i think is on the mental part of the game.
The girls seem to sometimes in certain parts of the game have what i call a memory lapse. Like remembering what the situation calls for if the ball is hit to them or when we have runners on remembering what to do in certain situations.
i continue to remind myself that none of these ladies play travel ball which i believe helps alot. Any suggestions on how to make them mentally stronger.
Jul 26, 2010
Practice, practice, and more practice. If they're having a "memory lapse", it is because they are having to think, if they are having to think, then they haven't practiced enough for the game to become reaction and not thought.

Focus on the basics, and don't expect them to grasp complex plays in games, you have to set your strategy to the level of play that your team is capable of playing at. It's always easy to say "There was a runner on 3, why didn't you get rid of the ball?" in hindsight, when the reality is that they simply haven't practiced that particular play enough for it to become a non-thought.


Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
Don't kid yourself. Travel teams have those breakdowns too. Everyone does -- that's what makes this such a tough sport. It may not be as grueling to play physically, but it takes a lot more mentally.

With the college season cranking up, why not either go to a game (if there's a good college nearby) or watch one with the team on TV? You can analyze the game, talk about situations, good plays and bad plays, and help them gain a bit more understanding. Watching a game you've DVR'd lets you go back over things again.

As far as focus goes, which sounds like one of the issues, teach your girls to turn it up and down. Mike Candrea uses the Hula Hoop analogy (when you step into the Hula Hoop you're focused). I use a gas burner on a stove. When the pitcher is finished taking her sign, the burner goes up to high. When the play is over and the ball is secure, turn it down to simmer (never off). It's a lot easier than asking for 100% focus for two hours. Not gonna happen.

A little inter-player communication helps too. If the girls are talking about the situation and what to do if this or that happens it will help them stay in the game more.

Finally, if an inning starts to go bad tell them the focus becomes on just getting an out -- even if that means giving up another run or two. Use it as a last resort, but sometimes you just need an inning ended before it deteriorates into bedlam.


Wannabe Duck Boat Owner
Feb 21, 2009
New England
Don't kid yourself. Travel teams have those breakdowns too. Everyone does -- that's what makes this such a tough sport. It may not be as grueling to play physically, but it takes a lot more mentally.

With the college season cranking up, why not either go to a game (if there's a good college nearby) or watch one with the team on TV? You can analyze the game, talk about situations, good plays and bad plays, and help them gain a bit more understanding. Watching a game you've DVR'd lets you go back over things again.

As far as focus goes, which sounds like one of the issues, teach your girls to turn it up and down. Mike Candrea uses the Hula Hoop analogy (when you step into the Hula Hoop you're focused). I use a gas burner on a stove. When the pitcher is finished taking her sign, the burner goes up to high. When the play is over and the ball is secure, turn it down to simmer (never off). It's a lot easier than asking for 100% focus for two hours. Not gonna happen.

A little inter-player communication helps too. If the girls are talking about the situation and what to do if this or that happens it will help them stay in the game more.

Finally, if an inning starts to go bad tell them the focus becomes on just getting an out -- even if that means giving up another run or two. Use it as a last resort, but sometimes you just need an inning ended before it deteriorates into bedlam.

Bedlam - what's it near, what state is it in? Think I pass through there occasionally during summer weekends!
Feb 3, 2011
I talk to my players all the time about focus, but for us, what I try to do is to have each drill followed by a few moments of levity. We're still in the zone, but we relax for a few and then get back to the task at hand.

Repetition is what develops what some of us call instinct, but at every age level, I cannot understate the importance of communication by the defense.
Oct 19, 2009
There is a book called Mind Gem by Gary Mack, it is required reading for some of the college teams in our area. I've read it and so has my daughter you may want to try the book and see if it gives you any suggestions on helping with the mental part of the game some of the kids are having trouble with.

The mind can not process a nagative thought. If you think don't throw this ball away or don't miss this grounder that is what you will almost always do. Think hit the chest or think stay low and watch it into the glove or something like that and results will be better.
Dec 6, 2010
Thanks for the input. Our key motto at the beginning of the season was FOCUS and DETERMINATION. Like the input on turn it up and down. We just seem to have a hard time getting some girls to turn it up and down. We try to focus on the basics all the time. I also agree that travel ball players make these same mistakes, i just think that it is easier getting them to turn it up and down at times.


Super Moderator
Staff member
May 26, 2008
Dallas, Texas
Even though our record doesn't indicate it (0-11) we are beginning to compete on the athletic part of the game.

Why do I think "lack of focus" is not your biggest problem?


To go along with words that have little or no meaning, how about "family values"?

The game is supposed to be played in a certain way. Either a player executes the way she is supposed to or she doesn't.

You teach how the game is supposed to be played. You tell them while they are on the field the things to consider. Then, you give the failure to execute a consequence.

Basically, you need to take the players who fail to execute out of the game, and let them contemplate the way the game is supposed to be played from the bench.
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