How to stop monkey butt during landing and ball release

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Oct 13, 2022
For most the monkey butt at landing is a result, the cause usually starts while pushing off the rubber. If possible post a video.
The player has told me that she slammed her hand into her hip a few times when she first started pitching so I figured she was just trying to get out of her own way to avoid hitting her hip again, she does it pretty badly and at U17 she has developed this bad habit and I’m assuming it will be hard to break……
Oct 13, 2022
No not really, she is a more fuller girl but that shouldn’t be the issue because I’m a bigger guy and I don’t pitch like that, I keep telling her to stand tall and bend over as much, she corrects it a little but then goes back to it… I able to post a video on here? And if so how?
Nov 29, 2009
What is monkey butt?
Monkey Butt is a term I coined. When the pitcher lands and she is letting her front leg collapse too much and then she starts to lean with her head forward over her chest and she sticks her chest out to try and get her arm past her hip. When she does that her butt will stick out looking much the same way as when a monkey stands up and walks.