Heel issues

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Softball fan
Feb 28, 2008
Montreal, Canada
I just made a short video showing a few quick ways to relief heel pain at home - ice, foot massage, and calf/achilles tendon stretching.

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/-t9b9_P1lOY?rel=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

If you have specific questions, let me know.

Coach Marc :D
Jan 17, 2013
Thanks everyone for the replies. She is 11 and has been on a steady grow for about 9 months. I will look into several of the things mentioned as well as the suggested remedies. Her cleats are about 9 months old as well (grew out of the last pair when the growth spurt hit). We actually ordered a new pair cleats last week, upper end New Balance molded cleats. I will keep you updated. Thanks.
Feb 26, 2012
Thanks everyone for the replies. She is 11 and has been on a steady grow for about 9 months. I will look into several of the things mentioned as well as the suggested remedies. Her cleats are about 9 months old as well (grew out of the last pair when the growth spurt hit). We actually ordered a new pair cleats last week, upper end New Balance molded cleats. I will keep you updated. Thanks.

With her age and growth spurt, there is a good chance that it is Sever's. Stretching, ice, ibuprofen, and rest is about all you can do. Her level of pain (when not on ibuprofen) can dictate her level of physical activity.

Good call on the new cleats. Get her a decent pair of running shoes for day-to-day activities. Flip-flops and barefoot made my daughter's symptoms worse.

Shoe insoles with a slightly raised heel also helped my DD (these are expensive...there may be cheaper ones): https://nxtmile.com/insoles/youth-baseball

Ringor cleats incorporate a raised heel (Ringors are all my DD wears now...turf & metal): http://i1admin01.webstorepackage.com/ringor/virtualweb/images/3142-Tech Sheet.pdf

Web link for info on Sever's Disease: Sever
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Jul 7, 2011
I'll jump on the Sever's bandwagon. Sounds textbook. 11 YO DD has suffered with it since she was 7. Much better than it used to be but ice, stretching, and heel pads help. Throw in an occassional ibuprofen on game days.

Tanel or other comfortable cleats will help but they mostly have to grow up.
May 9, 2014
Umatilla, Florida
My dd suffered with Severs Diease it was so bad she did have to sit out a season. We tried new cleats and inserts, didn't help. I am sorry your going thru this! It sucks for sure, but physical therapy can help, strechting out the Achilles' tendon, get some resistance bands and look up the exercises online, or take her to PT a couple times a week and make her do the exercises everyday at home. Of course find out from a doc first if that is what she has. if I would had made my daughter stick to the exercises (do them everyday twice a day) and PT she would have healed much faster.