Heat affects all

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Aug 6, 2013
Last night we played a league doubleheader - it was around 90 at first pitch with a humidity/heat index of closer to 95/96. The sun was shining bright and no clouds in the sky. We have been stressing to our girls to drink, drink, drink on the days before the games coming up both last night and the tournament this weekend where the temps will be in the same range.

The girls did great - an ump, not so much. In our second game I noticed the BU laying on the ground along the first base outfield fence during the break between innings. I thought "that's odd, why is he on the ground?" but he got up and headed back to the field. Fast forward to the second batter up that half inning and a runner on 2nd. The parents look out behind the SS and the BU is throwing up on the field. Hands on knees - continuously throwing up. The PU sees nothing so we are trying to get her attention to tell her that her partner is physically ill. She finally hears us and looks over at him and points and says "you alright?" (she was a total peach). He is still throwing up so we say "obviously he is not". She just stands there looking at him and pointing, giving the thumbs up. We say - "maybe you want to go out and check on him??" The PU visibly sighs, waves her hands at us like "shut up" and slowly heads out to check on him. She gets to him, there is a short interaction and he start walking off the field. She heads back to the plate, puts on her mask and says "let's go". Meanwhile the BU is still slowly walking off the field - still throwing up.....

Our coach asks the PU - so, we are playing with one ump now and the PU looks at her and says "obviously so". YIKES. She is telling us to get started again and the poor BU is still trying to get off the field - still dry heaving. What a compassionate gal. Parents from our side went to find a league rep to have him go find the BU who walked off on his own somewhere.

I don't know about how hot your areas will be this weekend - but obviously, EVERYONE needs to hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Oh - and a little compassion goes a long way.

Ken Krause

May 7, 2008
Mundelein, IL
I just have to ask. Did anyone clean up the vomit from the field? Did it even occur to the PU that it might be a hazard?

If not, I'd have probably told my girls to try to hit the ball through it. They could get a home run because no one would want to pick up that ball.
Sep 28, 2015
was at 8u tournament in spring last weekend and the ambulance showed up four times on Saturday alone. 3 times for kids and 1 time for an ump. We had a noon game and we were doing everything as a team to keep these girls cool and hydrated. Frog togs leaving helmet off just before bat water on head anything and everything. There shoulders and body looked like butter out there in the field just kept dropping and sinking the longer they stayed out there.
Aug 6, 2013
Right now at 9:56 am the temp outside is 86 and the heat index is already 96/99 (depending on which app I check). This is at 9:56 am! Gotta make sure dd is drinking water regularly today to be able to make it tomorrow and Sunday in her tournament.


Gear Empress
Mar 10, 2016
Just behind home plate
I was sitting in the common area in rehab with a few friends and we were watching the weather. Here, the heat isn't supposed to be back until I think Monday and it's supposed to be in the upper 80's.
May 7, 2008
The hottest I can remember was Marion, IL. fifteen years ago. Umps were from the federal prison and a couple of them passed out.
I didn't want my 12 yo daughter playing, but I seemed like a fish out of water.
This weekend finds me living in Tucson facing a dangerous heat wave. Fortunately, I am not involved with a team.
Dec 27, 2014
I get Mesa weather updates on my phone. 115 for Saturday and 120 for Sunday.

When I lived in Mesa I loved to call my friends in the northwest in the winter. They always called me in the summer. :)

We are playing a tournament in Salem this weekend. 66 forecasted for Saturday and 75 for Sunday. Two weeks ago it was 100 for the weekend.
May 15, 2014
It was 94 at Practice last night @ 6:30pm. By 8:30pm, it had cooled off to 93. I felt pretty bad for my kid as I huddled with the rest of the parents in the shade.

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