Georgia Baserunners Leaving Early

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Jan 24, 2009
I was cleaning out old gifs and had 3 showing their runner leaving early, like about 6 feet off the bag. Not sure why it is never called, but I can't believe it could be missed.

It is one thing if a slow mo or gif/video shows it and it is not called. Maybe it can be seen with the aid of technology, but not the eye. But... IMO if it is obvious in real time to the naked eye, then it reflects poorly on the level of the umpiring crew if they do not uphold the rules of the game.


Out on good behavior
May 8, 2009
Kentucky got called on it yesterday. Replay shows base ump bent over focused right on the runner's feet and she clearly jumps early. She wasn't even attempting to steal.
If there getting a 2 step advantage on every pitch why wouldn't they just steal on every pitch? Plays are bang bang as it is when there not leaving early.
I teach my DD's to have 2 different leads one on time when your not stealing and one pushing the envelope of leaving early when they are going. Just my$.02
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Oct 10, 2011
Good teams teach their players to push the envelope until the umpire calls them on it. A good base runner will watch the FU out of the corner of their eye to see if they are paying attention. If they are watching the batter they push the envelope even further.
This past weekend we faced a team in which the runners were leaving really early every time. After our coach complained, they did call one girl out. We ended up playing them again and the same thing happened...they clearly practice leaving early because they all did it. Our coach complained again, and the Ump totally ignored it. I was sitting pretty close to 3rd base and he didn't look once at the runners after the coach complained, so they kept doing it. It gets really frustrating when it's so blatant (but I do agree, why would they stop if it's not being called).
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Jul 4, 2012
Blatant is one thing, but we tell our girls that if we aren't warned at least one time during a tournament, then they aren't getting a good enough jump...
Jun 7, 2013
I say that if you're not early, you're late! I do this more to get them off on time. At most they are 1/10 of a second early which is, almost, never noticed or called.

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